





April 22

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About Me:

I want to introduce myself and at the same time I want to apologize for my english . My english is not so good unfortunately . But google translate makes it possible. : D The main thing is that he is content properly. I am suffering from vitiligo for over 30 years . Some 15 years ago , the autoimmune disease Graves' disease was found in me. For me , the question arises , what is the trigger for an immune disorder. I think if the cause of a disturbed immune system is detected, it would be a very good start. In my opinion, most diseases have a psychological origin. You may traumas from childhood Possible approaches might include : Fear of loss ( for example, loss of a loved one) or unsubstantiated feelings of threat. Another approach might be the desire for delineation of anything. how do you think? I would like to share with people who think like me . We may even come to a common denominator (?)

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  • welcome to this group 

  • Hello and welcome !!!! Glad you joined our group !!!! :) :) :) 

  • Welcome to our group, I hope you enjoy it :)

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