
  • There are many auto-immune diseases out there...vitiligo is one of them.  No one can explain why someone's body will suddenly turn against itself.  On top of vitiligo, I have rhumathoid arthritis which is another type of auto-immune disease.  My immune system is fighting against itself instead of fighting the "baddies".  Why? Who the hell knows!!?? I take medication that controls it and I'm doing ok.   


    What frustrates me about vitiligo is that there does not seem to be a medication that can control it.  Instead of fighting the problem at its source, we only react when a spot becomes evident (protopic, NB-UVB whatever).  I wish there was some sort of pill I could take that would prevent the spots from appearing. 

  • That's a GREAT question.

    That may have been a rhetorical question but here's my take on it. Deep thoughts for a Saturday afternoon...

    I don't know why we hurt ourselves, but it seems like that is the easiest way to deal with pain. Human beings are constantly hurting themselves, but until we deal with the real issues it will stay the same. My path is to love, of self and others, so I am willing to do the work.

    Here's an exercise that has been of great help to me. You can try it if you like...I am not a therapist or anything, just found it helpful.

    1. Get a pad of paper and some crayons, pens, whatever. Draw what you are feeling.
    Then start writing out the thoughts that come to you, whatever they are, without editing them. Listen for the voice, and try to identify it, who is saying these things. Look at each one, and see that these are powerful thoughts, and they feel very real. They are real. Someone might have said them to you long ago, and you took them on as your own.

    2. Next, on another piece of paper draw how you would like to be, regarding this issue. Put every beautiful thing that you desire to do or have in writing all over that page. It might not come as easily as the first drawing but keep at it, until every thought is down on paper.

    3. Now go back and look at the first page. See these negative thoughts as just thoughts, not reality. Are you okay with that? If you take each one of those negative/fearful thoughts one by one you may be able to see a pattern.

    This might shift something for you. At the least, it may take away some of the power of those negative thoughts.

    I'd be curious if this opened up any insights for anyone else...


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