You're work and vitiligo?

Im quite curious to what kind of work you all do and if u perhaps changed the kind of work or study you did/do because of vitiligo

I currently work as a "police officer" (for the lack of a better word to describe it, its much much more then that)

got diagnosed about a month ago and it wasnt visable then.  i talked to my captain who told me actually what i already expected. it wouldend be "representative" if it started showing. so id probably end up behind a desk. This in itself isnt a problem, but we have to be "fit and healthy" enough to be sent overseas at anytime and we're still discussing if im "healthy" enough. I myself dont see it as a problem but i kinda worry that thats a nice excuse to get rid of an employe he cant use on the street anymore (wich is 95% of our work)

also we get contracts for a few years and have to extend every few years. lucky me mine expires in half a year. somehow im thinking i wont be getting a renewal and ive got to look for another job wich will be fun when ur skills are worth F-all in civilian life not to mention the general publics reaction to vitiligo.

tomorrow my first day of work after 2 weeks vacation in wich i developed some patches on my arms and since this morning on my face wonder how the rest of my collegea's will react since they dont know yet.


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  • Wow.  That really pisses me off that you are no longer needed because you have Vitilago.  It is not fair to you at all.  They are treating you like you are a Leper.  How ignorant.  I feel that I have been treated the same way, but have no proof like you have.  I graduated from Architecture College in 2005 and because of the economy in the United States (plus Vitilago), I have not had much luck in finding permanent work.  So... I work from home... drafting and designing for Engineers and Various Clients.  When I need to go out, I wear long sleves, pants, and use make up where needed.  I hope that you can find a new career with good people.  Good Luck and God Bless!



  • Christiaan and Tina,  I am in the same boat.  My work from home job ( I had for over 8 years) ended this past Wednesday....I have a lead on another home based data entry job, but I am going to have to go in for several days of training before I start.  I am more nervous about thier reaction to my spots than I am about having to learn a whole new field of work!  And this will start out as a part time job, so I may have to pick up another part timer to make ends meet...and end up working out in the that is a concern as well.  Ugh...  Hang in there...we're in this together!  :-) 

  • Hi Christian, I am sorry you are dealing with this.  It is soooo stressful to live with!  I used to be a full time business proposal manager/writer and worked from home full time, which I absolutely loved!  Well it was a contracted job, so it ended after fourteen months, and I found myself out of work for another 14 or more months.  (although I did work part time about six months in, unloading a truck of merchandise twice a week early mornings buy only part time). 

    I got called, interviewed for, and was hired full time as a sales associate (my other "fall back on" experience in work, retail, not my top choice, but I need money and a steady paycheck).  This has been a difficult thing for me, working with people, wondering if they are staring at me funny, etc. since the store I work in is very very brightly lit, I hate it, to be honest, but what choice do I have?  I have to work, and it seems that it bothers ME more than anyone else.  Nobody has ever really stared at me funny, including co-workers, etc. and I have to just go with that for now.  But I dread getting up, doing the tedious makeup routine and having to put myself "out there" publicly day after day.  It's not what I ever though I would be doing again.  Oh and the pay is very low for a lot of hard work and awful hours.  :(  I am grateful to have smething, but I keep looking for something better.  I would love to find a full time office job somewhere whether from home or locally, but I am having no luck with that search, not yet anyway.  Plus even though I am eligible for health insurance currently I cannot afford to pay the premiums!  They are much too high, and I barely cover everything even with a full time wage each month.  It's like a major catch 22, you know?

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