
  • great idea!
  • A) There are so many stupid ribbons that they themselves have become a disease.


    B) Vitiligo is not a disease. It's a paint job. And a fun one. I've started eating liver to accelerate the growth and it seems to be working.

  • At its worst, vitiligo may cause social dysfunction, unless there is something I don't know. I mean, these ribbons represent serious physical or moral struggles. I personally see no problem with a vitiligo ribbon, but it could be argued against. Would the ribbon be brown with white spots?
    • Anthony I am so with you on this!!! WE need to be out there, stop hiding, emerge and let people see us for who we are, People with a disorder just trying to live life like everyone else... People need to be educated and understand us and allow us to be in the norm,  Vitiligo is not a sickness and should not handicap us in anyway!!! Get out people... EDUCATE!!!
    • Hi Anthony,
      I cant agree with you more on this

      'I think we need to start organizing ourselves better as a serious community and we need to have board members and meetings and everything that other organizations have. If we cant take ourselves seriously how can we expect others to take us seriously'.

      U r so on point here
  • I think because vitiligo is not looked as an individual skin disorder. From what I have heard over the years vitiligo stems from other autoimmune disorders. You first have to find what the disorder is and then treat it in hope you can then treat vitiligo. But it still would be nice to have a ribbon. We have to make a stand for vitiligo to make it known and not rely on famous people to do it. In the past I've said find stars that have it but I've changed my mind on that. The stars can help in what way they can but I would not soley look to them to "advocate" for it.
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