Why do I feel this way?

I don't know if I'm the only one on here who feels this way but there's something about women w/ Vitiligo that I find very exotic and sexy. I can't really explain and I don't understand why it is. Maybe its the contrast in the skin tones on their face / body? Maybe it's because I have Vitiligo myself so it makes me attracted to others w/ it. Kinda like a weird bond or something. I dated two women w/ Vitiligo and I used to ask the one who wore make-up NOT to wear it when we went out. I could go on and on about but some people might get offended, LOL! So does anyone have an opinion as to why I feel this way?

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  • In this day and age of body tattoo's, I'm not sure people with vitiligo should feel embarassed.  It seems no one has even skin tone anymore, at least here in California.  Some of my spots get bigger , some spots come and go, it's like an everchanging art canvas. I think vitiligo gives us kind of an edgy quality, maybe that is what you find appealing?

  • I'm completely neutral about others who have V. I mean I've seen perhaps 2 dozen people who have had it, and when I do come by them I feel this deep empathy and this understanding obviously because a disease such as this one that really only deals with aesthetics is not a big deal, but the emotional suffering it invokes within all of us across different points of our lives is what's really shitty and unfortunate. I personally am still trying to push myself to participate in activities that having V has made me avoid. One step at a time on the road of self acceptance..sorry for rambling, lol
    • I'd have to say that I'm also attracted to women with V.  Two weeks ago I saw a girl that was working at a coffee shop, she had a few spots on her hand and neck a few that were on her arm wanted to talk to her but there was like 10 people in line, but so hot. To bad this coffee place is like 2 hours away or I would go back.

  • Ive only seen one female with vitiligo but it was odd how bad i wanted to walk over and ask for her number lol something about her made me want to find out more about her but i never did. So you're not the only one who feels that way.
  • Lmbo I feel the same way!!
  • i'm sort of like that too..i saw this guy at my school with a patch of white hair near his forehead and it intrigued me cause it was so unique. he probably doesn't have vitiligo cause i didn't see any spots but for a moment i thought he did, and i hoped he did haha. you never know maybe he has it..but yeah that does attract me cause it's something we both have :P
  • Hi Terrence..I am also attracted to guys with vitiligo....it`s like you`ve said" because we have vitiligo"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;);)
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