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  • IMHO, and also as one that knows the dynamics (a good ratio of it, not all) of vitiligo, it could only be usefull in inactive vitiligo patients.  But it is too dangerous to play with them.  E.g an inactive virus could be activated due to the playing with HSPs.  

    • so u say its the usual stuffs like other things in market which may work for some and not for all !!!

      • Absoluately,

        You can easily produce vitiligo in normal mice, and you can also easily correct that.  If you inject hydrojen peroxide, you can paralyse melanocytes and prevent them working for some time.  But later on body will remove that acid and melanocytes will start working again.  That process is just working with the pigmentation.  In vitiligo patients, problem is below that layer.  That is why, I emphasize that first a patient need to be treated for viti and repigmentation works come later.  Otherwise repigmentation will not be permenant.   

        • so der is never going to be a permanent cure for us ??? i was so happy today thinking abt this, all shattered in a second  :( :(

          • I am really sorry for that, but we need to be realistic and look for real solutions.  

            False hopes means disappoinment, waste of time and money..

            • Hey XVitix ......Yes there is no cure at the moment  unless  vit is stable..that is why most treatment result is temporary  ...MKTP works too ..the problem is when vit is active ..the new pigment disappir again...Some of the repigment I got from Cell treatment is still there.

              What makes the Protine reaserch interesting is works from innside ... the reaserchers have thought about the side effect and all I guss....Let us keep our finger crossed and it works ...In Italy ..they have observed giving result...I think this is the best reserch so far working With the cell even though the underlayning cause is unknown.    

              Happy New year!           

  • when this product will be available in the market ???

    • I would expect at least a couple of years, if it's only just human trials stage. This stuff takes ages, and even then it would first go expensive private medicine long before it's on National Health Service like in the UK.

      But still positive nonetheless :)

      • thanks bro...looking forward for this :) 

  • I can't wait must be blessing....
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