Hi all,

I am currently working on a short documentary about Vitiligo Stigma within the British Asian community. Amy, who is working with me on the documentary has Vitiligo herself, and through a friendship with someone who has Vitiligo and was Asian, realised the stigma within this community is prevalent.


So I'm posting on here to see if anyone who is British-Asian would be able to participate in our documentary to describe their experience, whether they have experienced stigma or not. Please message me if you would like to participate.

Thank you

Kathleen Pedersen

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  • Hello Kathleen, Good Morning. I am glad to know about your documentary. i am doing research and its having same subject but my area is India.  i like to see your documentary. do share it with me please. 

    • Hi Dhirendra,

      Sure we'll let you know when we finish our project! Just out of interest to you have any contacts in the British Asian community with Vitiligo?

      • Thanks for reply. right now i don't have any as i never explore my self in that direction but if at all i will find anyone, sure will let you know. 

        Is it possible for you to tell me how you are collecting the data?

        Waiting for your reply, Let me know

        • We are mainly trying to focus on the stigma and individuals stories. We are also interviewing various experts in the field.

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