vitiligo new to forum


not sure what to write here, so will tell when i first noticed i were 15 yrs old and i think it started on my knee's, i have it all over mainly on my face as my eye lids went white then forehead, nose mouth chin, and hair line,

i used to wear make up, but i don't bother now because i get hot and it melts, not a good look, my main concern is that i am a gran now i have a granddaughter who i look after, she is 17 months old, and although i try hard not to let it upset me she turns her head away from me, i think i scare her, which i don't want to do i want her to get used to me but its just not happening, she don't turn her head away from no one else,

any thoughts?

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  • Hello mam,


    Please dont bother about your situation, your grand daughter is very young and need some more time to understand you.

    Just give her sometime and she will get used to you.

    I am suffering from vitiligo since I was 8. Since then I am being descriminated by my family members itself. Even now I wouldnt touch any of our cousins children. They say if I touch them it will contaminate them.

    I like kids very much, but everytime I think of touching them I remember what they say and control myself.


    I am used to all these things and changed myself... being alone and isolated is very painful. But that is what god has given to us. So we have to live with it.

    I am sorry for a long sad story..



  • Julie,I read your comment and I was upset for you that you feel your granddaughter can't look at you and might be afraid of you.

    I just wanted to reassure you that at seventeen months old,she's unable to understand much-but she will understand her grandmother loves her and is there for her.Please keep demonstrating your love and affection and don't be disheartened.When she's able to understand,explain through talking about your condition and through play activities.What she will come to learn,in time,is that her grandmother is a beautiful woman who took care of her every need and will always be there for her.Much of who we are as people is formed in early life.Be patient,loving and strong Julie.

    Much love,

    Ish x
  • My suggestion: Don't think about it, be you, and make sure you smile and keep showing her love. 

  • shit,,,,god,,,,!!!!i cant read ur post,,,am almost in tears,,,,,wat can be sad situation than this,,,,dont worry dear,,, she will gt used to u...she ll start loving u,,,,,,i am wondering y the reasearch on vitiligo is not a sucees till now,,,uff

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