Vitiligo in the workplace and professional settings


I have Vitiligo and I am a University professor. My hands and face have white spots. The result is discrimination. People look at your spots everything you do is colored by this stigma. We need to educate our society that this is not a disease only a skin condition.


Are any of you experiencing discrimination at your place of work?


Please share your experiences

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  • I am on the a level of being in  love with my vit for years now I feel that god has given me everything I could ever want so more power to all who are over it I can remember that when I was all one tone I felt I was perfect and now since I have vit they call me 2TONEZ  I had to over come a lot of obstacles through  this transformation and I am still happy to see the other side of the tracks and how people act towards a simple pigmentation  on the skin having no idea what has cause this for me or automatically thinking I was in a fire so for me to know they have a lack of education I just wan to live now in ways of educating and changing  as much of the world as possible through enlightenment  and education many say things about Micheal Jackson but he really ever supported vit as far as I know I just never heard anything from him till he passed away then they wanna talk about it to each it's own opinion I work for myself these days so I see different people all the time it is who I am now just a part of me once someone sees my personality it  whole different ball game for have a great personality some judge a person based on their appearance and am me and I have tattoos and may look as if I would be a whole other kind of person I surprise many all the time and inspire many in this life so am good with what I look like no complaints  one-luv SPOTZ2210-V-MOVEMENT am in the zone!!!
  • I do not experience discrimination personally, but i can see how it could take that route. Like if your quiet, shy about it, embarassed. People react to other people's feelings... Just some advice my fellow vitiligan... You need to be the bigger person, we have to be strong, not only for ourselves but for other's as well. We can't blame them for staring, shoot, i stare at myself, and that's what we as humans do, look at the out of the ordinary, and lets face it... we are... out of the ordinary, But if I notice someone staring i will say with a smile, you lookin at my vit??? lol Usually u stun them, make them feel uncomfortable, throw them off guard, but u just kinda laugh it off, quickly educate and move on to the purpose of why you were speaking in the 1st place... you don't wanna nec bore someone with your issue, cause well i don't wanna be bothered with anyones problems either, i got my own problems, LOL, You have to also be comfortable with it and talking about it, and just be CONFIDENT!!! it's so important, you forget you have it, people will forget you have it, you become a person with character, not the weird quiet person in the corner with white spots all over your body. People will remember you, and at 1st yes for the white spots, but then they remember you for you and the impact you had on them, inspire people!!! And an even better outcome of this whole situation, You have now educated one more person, and now they can educate, cause when they see another one of us again (we are so rare, that's what makes us special) they wont be so judgemental, we might even get a smile and a hey from that stranger that you educated and now we got someone else on our side, not just one of those other regular people staring at us <3 It's kinda like that "Pay it Forward" Method ;0)
  • I can relate to this post I really never cared at times I worked in a very public place a convention center where you see people from all over the world sometimes and I had it on my hands at the time now it is all over my face I am faced to face the public always and just had to remind myself they know no better for lack of education is always the issue when it come to see things they have not seen before or somethings they know nothing about it can be challenging for many we just must remember that educate erase the so one can relate.
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