Vitiligo & Gluten

I am wondering if anyone has gone gluten-free in hopes to re-pigment. I have been gluten free for the past few weeks, and I don't have celiac but have read on other forum sites that some have re-pigmented. Would love to hear any stories. 

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  • You can also check out this link. A lot of people have posted how their vitiligo has improved by going Gluten free.

    After reading all those responses , i feel GF diet has definitely showed improvements in people's vitiligo. It takes time though and you have to be very strict with the diet.

    • Karina, Thank you for the kind words of encouragement. It always helps to hear it from others. Yes, I am familiar with that website and check back frequently. I also post on which I find to be an amazing and encouraging site. I highly recommend it to everyone! And you are absolutely right to focus first on the spreading of vitiligo and then on the re-pigmentation. please keep me updated as well on your progress as well. Who has vitiligo, you or your son? 

      • Hi Caitlin,

        I keep checking that website as well. My 7 year old daughter has vitiligo.

  • Hi Caitlin,

    I too have read articles of how a gluten free diet has helped people with Vitiligo. I am trying to implement gluten free diet for my 7 year old but its had to do it on a vegetarian diet, especially for a kid. My daughter is no where close to being gluten free but the theory does sound very promising.

    From what i have read , once you are on a strict gluten free diet , people have first noticed that their vitiligo stopped spreading. In some case repigmentation only started after a year or so. In my opinion the first step should be stop the spread. Once we have the Vitiligo under control we can start focussing on repigmentation. I would say, look at the depigmentation as damage already done to our body. We need to stop the process and then hopefully repigmentation will follow.

    If you continue with the gluten free diet, please keep us posted with your progress. I sincerely hope it works out for you.

  • Hey..It is good to try all remedies but I garantee you Vitiligo has its own world...I my self and several ppl has tried gulen free but it doesn`t help to repigment for will find some who say that it helped them in some degree ..may be it is because they have other autoemune conditition which may be affected by gulten ....some times correcting other autoimune condition helps vitiligo.

    I personally don`t think it helps for us who has no other autoemune condition....I agree less gulten is healthy for every one...One thing I know avoiding foods that you love and creat unnessary stress may coz vitiligo , The only known vitiligo triger for most of us is emotional stress.

    take care and good luck!

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