Vitiligo from sunburn as opposed to heredity

Hello all, I am a 27 year old male recently diagnosed with vitiligo.  I'm starting to get vitiligo all over my body; however, the spots on my face bother me most.  I was wondering if treatment differs from those who have vit as a result of sun compared to vitiligo because of heredity.  My vitiligo is almost certainly from sun because no one else in my family has it but I can remember getting several severe sunburns as a kid (lived on a lake, mom told me to put on the sunscreen but I was too tough for that and now I'm paying the price).  Anyway, I wanted to see if anyone could advise me in this regard.  Further, here are the steps I'm taking to get the spots off my face (I'm in the beginning stages so I'm not sure what might work for me but I'm willing to try anything).

1. My dermatologist prescribed me to protopic.  I'm waiting on my insurance to approve this cream for me but it seems like it's taking a long time.  I'm not exactly sure what's going on.  I spoke with the doctor's office yesterday and they said it may take five or six days to get the insurance to agree to pay for this cream.  

2. I'm living a healthy lifestyle and all that goes along with that...  plenty of water/sleep, green vegetables espectially spinach, taking a multi-vitamin, B complex, folic acid, and vitamin D. 

3. I'm applying aloe vera to the affected areas on my face.

4. I just ordered some lotion from the dead sea in Israel and plan on giving that a shot as well (per another discussion within this forum).   

5. I still can't get a handle on whether or not sun is good or bad for my condition, seems like there is a lot of conflicting opinions on here.  So, I'm staying out of the sun since that's what's gotten me into this.  I suspect that this may be the difference in treatment from those who have this disease as a result of sun exposure compared to those who have it due to family history; I would think that since I have vitiligo b/c of exposure to the sun, trying to get the sun to help my condition may not make sense.   

Thanks in advance for anyone who could send me in the right direction.  Finding this site has been great for me because I struggle to discuss with people that I know.  I'm really hoping I can find a way to treat this condition because I'm becoming depressed about the way I look and never want to do anything but work and go home anymore.  My friends/family are wondering why I never want to do anything anymore.  I've talked to my father/wife about it and they are really supportive.  

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  • my vit is neither from the sun nor genetical, maybe stress related and u gotta laugh at the irony in that

    getting vit from stress wich gives me so much more stress it just spreads like wildfire. nice downward spiral

    "depressed about the way I look and never want to do anything but work and go home anymore.  My friends/family are wondering why I never want to do anything anymore."

    -shakes hand- yea.... i know :(   add  "and why im so cranky lately"

    sucks we live in a time when theres so much pressure on appearance.

    • thanks for the reply christian.  we'll have to fight our way through this and try to find peace.  

      • It is possible that you may get vitiligo because of Sun burn..otherwise moderate sun is important...It is good start with helthy diet and Protopic on face but don`t waste ur money on Deadsea product doesn`t help vitiligo at all, the secreat of Deadsea healing is the sun coz it is the lowest point on earth.If you are a kind of person who get burn easly ..may be the Deadsea treatment is no good for you either.

        Good luck!


        • thank you.  I am hoping/praying that a healthy diet and protopic will help (fingers crossed).  I'm going to get a little sun today and see how it goes.  

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