People who don't have vitiligo could never understand what we go thru on a daily basis so stop telling us that our problem is only cosmetic because it's much deeper than that. Vitiligo causes people to have emotional setbacks and Physcological issues too. If they would only understand the pain that some of us has gone thru especially dealing with vitiligo as a child and being teased about it, so until they have walked a mile in our shoes they should not say a word. Vitiligo does deserve the same amount of respect as other diseases and disorders simply because people see us and instanlty know we have a skin disorder but unlike other diseases you wouldn't know what they have unless they told you. Take cancer or aids for example you wouldn't know a person has it by looking at them right ? but when it comes to people with Vitiligo you know they have it immediately so that's why I feel that Vitiligo deserves the same amount of respect and recognition that the others get and I'm tired of people saying because Vitiligo is not life threatening it can't get the same respect. This hurts us emotionally and even if it's not deadly like cancer or aids it does kill our spirits
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exactly. this is compleetly true and wish some kind of awrenes would go thro because none of my friend no what it is. i am in high school and grew up my whole life with rude coments, snickers, and pointing. and this is really hard to go throught and no one understands it unless they have it. i wish someone could understand it bu no one does like u said uness they have it. i honestly think we should ty and make ur documentery because i think it woul help hugely get awarenes around and some people may understand to a certin degree. we need to do something about this.
Carl R. Manley > Heather DixonNovember 25, 2010 at 8:00am
Heather I'm working on it and after the Newyears I should be able to give you more information on the progress of making this documentary
Heather Dixon > Carl R. ManleyNovember 25, 2010 at 8:01am
ok thanks so much this is a really really good idea and am so glad you thought of it :).... keep me updated!
Heather I'm working on it and after the Newyears I should be able to give you more information on the progress of making this documentary