Vitiligo Distress

Vitiligo causes me ( and I am sure some of you) a lot of distress everyday! I am so sad and worried to wake up and find more spots! What do you all do to stay positive and continue living a good life?!

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  • Aside from your own discomfort of seeing your skin change, your worst fear is probably how other people will feel about you. Just realize that you will more then likely be the person that devalues yourself and your beauty the most, not others. Love yourself the way you would love, your mother, your child, your husband if they got diagnosed with Vitiligo. We often don't give our selves the same compassion we would give to others in our same situation. Also focus on things you can control, like eating healthy or being in shape! These type of things will not only make you feel more in control of your life but will be great for your stress levels and help your body not want to attack more of your pigment. Its important to find out what foods your allergic to and avoid putting anything in your body that makes it harder for it to function properly or cause inflammation in your system. Vitiligo support networking has come along way in the 25 years I've had vit, so I would say that people who have had or are just getting vitiligo have more of chance of feeling not alone then they ever have.

  • Its really difficult to stay positive at least v can try....and whenever i feel so..i think of the people who r living even a worse life than us...people who cannot walk...cant see..suffering from intensely painfull diseases...v just hv a skin problem nd because of that a psychological if v try ,surely ll overcome tht stress....m also trying...

    try to think positive...coz v dont hv choice till definite cure why to trigger our disease more by being stressed..

    so be happy always...

  • I take a vacation from the mirror or read a book or walk on the beach with my dog. Is the sun bad for us? I love it, although the dark place get farmers a d the white spots show up even more.
  • Well if it starts to get on my nerves too much, I take codeine painkillers. I am not advising doing that, but sometimes vitiligo is such a burden, I need a 'holiday' from myself, so I take it to space me out for a while. 

    I do not recommend this course of action, but its what I do.

  • i think about this potential cure in the near future for grey hair/vitiligo. That tends to lift my spirits. Otherwise, I talk to people in my life that care and love me no matter what I may look like 

  • What do you do in order to stay positive? 

  • What do you all do to stay positive and continue living a good life?

    That's a good question!! I'll let you know when I find the answer.

  • THey ;)  Think positive, choose positive ppl arround you, Take care and watch out before you start serios relationship....If you are married or have a child..never divorce unless it is over limit ....most ppl develop vit after stressfull divorce...Moderate exercise and varity of healthy  food is advised too

    As I allways say the only known common trigger of vitiligo is stress not busy stress but emotional stress take it easy find good makeup until proper cure comes is not so far will come soon.... BTW Im advicing this after what I exprience my self too ...Im sharing this to every one.  D

    • hope fully it will come soon 

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