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  • There is no any evidence about connection of diet and vitiligo. but many traditional medicines forbid a lot food ..If you listen to all of them you will end up eating only fungus and water. It doesn`t help either..Live normal life Eat moderately what you want as long as U are not allergic to it. Do n`t over do sitrus products and vitamin C.

    The only common trigger for most of us is stress..Don`t create unnecessary stress by avoiding food that you love!



  • I've never heard this :o it may be true but as for me I eat chicken all the time, milk and eggs as well - I strongly dislike fish - but my "diet" hasn't have seemed to alter my vitiligo in any way.. My patches have stayed the same pretty much except when I get a cut vitiligo feels the need to come around ._. but I don't think eliminating these foods do much.. but I could be wrong.

  • as 4 as i believe these things r not gud 4 vit my docter told me so exept milk ! :)

  • I've tried homeopathy and was told not to eat fish, chicken, lamb, beef, spicy foods, dairy products but it was too much for me but now ive taken eggs, I use soya milk for my porridge don't drink tea or coffee, citrus fruits are quite bad for your skin. I eat fish which I believe has high sources of vitamin, chicken and lamb and not beef.

    I believe you need to reduce your stress levels, eat and sleep right. Also you need sunlight as it brings pigment back. I'm currently taking;

    Whey protein(I work out)
    Cod liver oil
    Flaxseed oil
    Ginko biloba
    Vitamin b12 methyl
    Vitamin b6
    Folic acid

    M.Khan the vitamin supplements you're taking isit working?
    I've recently started using pro topic, will update you all if I see any changes. Remember guys a healthy diet is good, and excerise helps reduce stress. Good luck all.
    • Yeah so far.. i see they are good to stop the growth but dont see any help on recovering ,as i got all the tough spots.. finger tips lips and feet.. very small you can see in my images . Your lips look fine in the picture are you using any cover up for the lips..

      can you suggest if you have anything worked for your lips .. , you can see where exactly my lips look bad in the pictures.., i want to fix the lips by some how.. 

      The doctor also ask me to buy from particular brand  Solgar..

      they are very old company looks make some quality product.

      Yeah i do have Ginko biloba .. , which was not prescribed but i do take it after seeing most people are trying it.. 


      • That picture is about 2-3 months old since then my lips gone pink and losing its natural brown color, no im not using any make up, just using the above, I'll be buying a handheld ubv lamp next month and plan to spend a lot of time in the sun this summer. Have you looked at Islamic cures for vitiligo? I've read somewhere drinking black seed oil with honey and rubbing black seed oil with apple cider vinegar helps. Prophet SAW said "black seed oil is the cure for every diesease except death" don't give up bro.
        • I have not seen .. Insha Allah i explore about it. Yeah I remember about the black seed i would try to add that to my diet.

          thank you for your information ..

        • thank you very much for all your information.

          i believe that,black seed and honey way 100%

          • I have been drinking black seed oil and honey instead of tea or coffee for a year now, my immune system has improved, I feel better as a person and more active. I want to rub it on my skin but I'm using protopic at the moment.
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