Vitiligo around the eyes and vision?

For those who have vitiligo around the eyes I would like to know how does the sun affects you? Are you able to see less or the same as before? I feel like my eyes get more tired now that theres no more pigmentation around them and when the sun hits them I squint my eyes almost to the point of closing them. Anyone else?

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  • I have never thought of that correlation, but makes sense! I have always had sensitive eyes. Sometimes when I'm at the office, I have to put my hand on my eyebrows, like a visor, because light bothers me.. I have had/have again spots around my eyes, eyelids, my eyelashes on left eye were white for a while. When I asked my eye doctor, he explained to me that it was normal, cause I have always had some sensitivity. But I have never ask him if it's related to my vitiligo.


    I always, always, always wear my sunglasses! 

  • I've had vitiligo since 15 and it was all around my eyes when I went to the top of a Swiss glacier (by train!) at age 21.  My g/f sat on my sunglasses on the way up so I was unprotected from the bright sun above and reflected radiation from the ice below.  The following morning, my eyelids had swelled up and stuck together like golfballs ("Grasshopper") and I had to bathe them just to open my eyes! 

    Since then I always wear shades in bright sunlight and, if out for any length of time, a wide-brimmed hat.  That was a quarter-century ago and I have had no problems at all with my eyes since then.  My optician always checks my retina for signs of depigmentation but nothing seen so far.

    • Thanks for sharing your story, specifically, the retina check you mentioned.  It really helps us. 


      My daughter had vit on eyelids for 6 to 8 months.  Thanks to Protopic due to which, vit disappeared.  I guess, mainly because, 7.5 year old daughter at that time, had vit in very initial stages.  We will share out story with optician and will ask him to make special efforts to check for retina going forward.  Good Point for us. 

  • i never leave the house with out sunglasses, so i really cant tell... i'll try to remember next time i'm out and its sunny to take my shades off.

    i do know that during the winter my face cant take the cold wind anymore, to the point it's painful like tiny knives in my face. gotta buy a skin mask for this upcoming winter.

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