Vitiligo and Stress

This summer I got accepted into a 4 week college program to get 3 college credits. I wanted to do it so bad and I was so excited. I stay on campus for the four weeks, I am 3 hours away from home and this is the first time I've ever been away from home for over a 3 day period. consequently I became very homesick, missing my family my dog and boyfriend. on top of that I wasn't getting any sleep because I wanted to keep contact with everyone so I would stay up late talking to them. along with the homesickness and lack of sleep I am extremely stressed out due to the workload. I have never been this stressed out in my entire life and I someone that stresses out a lot and way too often. last week was a bad week and I started to have panic attacks, multiple of them. I hadn't had a panic attack until I came here so I was alone and out of my comfort zone too so that didn't help. so after my last panic attack last week I woke up the next morning to shower and noticed a white blotch on the inside of my elbow/forearm area. I didn't think anything of it at first, I just shrugged it off as sleep lines or something. after my shower when I realized it hadn't gone away I was totally crushed. I knew it was a new spot. it has increased in size since then... its the first spot ive gotten on my arm, I honestly started to thing my vitiligo was getting better because some of it has started to go away. ive just been trying to act like it doesn't exist.. has anyone had any experiences like this? what stressed you out? what helped? 

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  • The same thing happened to me before. really the only thing you can do is not stress out over it which i know is easier said than done. ill tell you a secret that has always helped me.. just think about a person who has no hands or no legs or cant move or is blind or has a worse skin problem than vit and then look at your own skin problem.. that ALWAYS makes me feel better about myself. so what im trying to say is that it could be worse and just keep telling yourself that..focus on your school and everytime you start thinking about your spots just remember it you got it good.. you could have it wayyy worse :) hope that helps.

    • thanks Scott! im always trying to think of that, sometimes it does help :)


  • I think same things happening to me nowdays! As I'm looking for a job n I think small spots on my forearm getting bigger :( :(
  • Yea, whenever I face an excessive amount of stress my spots spread or new ones appear. Mostly stresses of school and sometimes life circumstances. Usually I try to calm myself when I notice I am becoming stress. I just try to distract myself from whatever the stresser is or if it is something I am avoiding, then I tackle it! Good Luck! xx

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