Vitiligo and Insomnia

   Has any one had Insomnia and Vitiligo occur together?  I have had both for about 25 years and I'm pretty sure they both started at the same time. 


                                                                                            Steve Casper

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  • Not being able to sleep stresses me out and stress makes my Vitiligo spread. Something I recently discovered was searching "sleep relaxation" on youtube. You can find "hypnosis" type videos. It sounds kind of silly, but it really helps me to relax and sleep. Hope that helps!

  • Hi Steve, I have definitely noticed this too, for me starting around same time. I have found some interesting stuff about the pineal gland, melatonin and sleep. It's kind of a chicken an egg thing but essentially our best chance of repairing th immune system, digestion and skin is SLEEP. I have been a 5 hr a night person for years and I am now finding out the hard way that sleep is essential for survival and preventing serious illness.

    So in short....cut all stimulants (caffiene, alcohol, and light at night etc), dont eat late, calm your mind (meditation or reiki, physical exercise) and let your body feel tired. (eg let the body rule the head instead of vice versa). Concentrate on how tired your body feels and how much you WANT to sleep... Don't fight it.
    • Hi missee:  My problem is that I fall asleep  O.K. but I wake up an hour or two later and find it hard to get back to sleep again.  I am also a "five hour"  person.   I've also have had a Thyroid problem which is tied in some how to the Pineal gland you mentioned. What have you found out about this gland.?



      • I have this problem too where I'll sleep a couple hours then I'm wide awake. The only way I can get 6 hours is if I take a sleeping medication and some alternitive medicine and that does the trick.

        •    Hi Jenna:    I too do the same thing.  All we have to do now is to find somebody who can tie all these things together and find a solution !!.   Thanks for responding, Steve

          • it would be awesome because between the lack of sleep and no energy its slowly sucking me dry

  • hey Steve,

    i've been sleeping bad ever since i got diagnosed, i hope its just my own worries and stress lols

    few days when i was really tired and really needed sleep i took some melatonin  (used to use it for irregular shifts but lately also on normal days) should work atleast it puts me under in 30 mins tops.

    •   Thanx for your imput,  Steve

      • when I was in college and took a class on sleep habits, we learned that the best way to get on a healthy sleep schedule is to wake up and go to sleep at the exact same time every day.  just thought I would mention that to you as well.  rest easy.  

        • would be great lols but my shifts start every hour of the day like tomorrow i have to start at 14:30 till 23:30  day after 08:00 till 17:00  day after that i got an early shift at 6:00 till 15:00

          also we sometimes get early & night shift those are really fun (/sarcasm)  06:00 till 15:00  then 23:00 till 6 again XD

          i got no biological clock whatsover so i sometimes need the pills to get atleast some hours

          yay today found my firsts 2 spots on my face .i..(>.<)..i. damnit if this keeps up im gonna be 100% white in less then a year

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