My lovely granddaughter is 12 years old and she was just diagnosed with Vitiligo. I had no idea what Vitiligo was and as you can guess our family are all just beside our selves, anxious and worried about her well being and her quality of life. Along with the patches on her face, neck and arms my daughter has noticed some thinning of her hair and she thinks her hairline is beginning to recede. Has anyone else experienced this condition as part of getting Vitiligo or is this a totally new issue. Concerned grandfather....
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hi,Gene,i have known some about your lovely granddaughter‘condition,i am working in a Chinese vitiligo hospital,i want to give you some advice from my experience.hope can help you. first ,you should take your granddaughter to several big hospital to diagnose if it is vitiligo,because your granddaughter is so young,Physical development is also imperfect,so some unnormal phenemenon is exist.before there was an indian girl in our hospital,looks like vitiligo,but not develop, at last diagnosed no,it was just uneven pigment.second if your granddaughter is diagnosed vitiligo,you can observe what causes lead to it?like preasure,bad mood or life is not regular,exposed to the strong sunshine,if has these induces,please avoild,some children vitiligo can stop developing by last ,in order to make the white patches disappear,advice early treatment,children vitiligo can be cured easier than adults.
to treat vitiligo use uvb light buy from ebay or any othrr site, hand held lamp is good for small spots like a finger size spot or little bigger. Start with 10 seconds first time and increase 10 seconds every time make sure to cover her unaffected areas with a strong uvb sunscreen lotion like nivea. Use a cream like tolenorm (from ebay also) apply it to skin wait half an hour and than expose to uvb light. After light exposure wash her face and other areas rub same unrefinde coconut oil to her hairs.
Diet, avoid eggs for sure and red meat, little chicken here and there is ok as i eat that myself. Also green juice is very very powerful include celery, kale, cuecumber add some fruits to sweeten it..take 2-3 200 ML glasses daily. If possible also add VITAMIN B12 AND FOLIC ACID to DIET.
First sign of pigmentation will appear within 2-4 weeks..and then you will just need to continue till fully pigmented. One thing i assaure you with this method is 100% success, heavy on pocket but will sort her life for sure, shes goin to go through a lot in teens and you dont want vitiligo..i gave these tips with my own personal experience..i have enjoyed great success. Face will pigment quicker other areas will take slightly longer but will also re-pigment. Even after skin comes back co tinue with green juice and add carrots beets black seasme seeds etc to mix up taste. You want to see proof i can show you my before and after photos. GOOD LUCK.
for hairs i add a spoon of black seasme seeds and one black date daily to my juice.
Another advantage you have is vitiligo not being too old, new patches heal faster than old ones.
I wish her quick recovery and lasting results.
Thanks azzy41 for the suggestions, I just received my NB-UVB light the other day, haven't used it yet but will soon.
Now about the cream you mentioned tolenorm I noticed that it's from India. You've used it and its safe???
I will also try the juices you suggested.
I would definitely have her thyroid levels checked since she is losing her hair. We are using Elidel for my son and have noticed great improvements in a short period of time. It is tough, but I just try to thank god that it is nothing life threatening. Best of luck!
Thanks, we had her thyroid levels checked it is fine.
Hi Gene, I am sure you are on top of it regarding blood tests, etc. Just a word of caution... my 9 year old had normal TSH, T4 and T3 so the thyroid was functioning normally. However, she had positive anti-bodies (TPO). Within 2 months her thyroid was no longer normal and she was diagnosed with Hashimoto's (slow thyroid). One symptom is loss of eyebrow hair along the outer edges. We were glad to catch it early since Hashmoto's in a growing child is not good (impacts physical and intellectual growth). Her Vitiligo has calmed down since she has been on meds. So, what I guess I am saying is the first thing to look for is positive thyroid anti-bodies. Vit is often a warning that the thyroid is having a problem. All the best.
Her thyroid test was good, no problems there.