Vitiligo and diet

I copy this topic from Vitiligo socity wall cos I found it innteresting to hear what other say about there exprience of diet and vitligo.


"There are many theories about diet but the doctors say there is no evidence showing vitiligo is connected some how to diet, forget what you read on the net or what the Ayurveda say…If you listen to them you will end up eating nothing.

Please share what you experienced personally if adding or avoiding some foods, drinks or spices affect your vitiligo.

I know if some one is allergic to Gluten or diary products we should avoid , I am not allergic to any food. Don`t tell me to be vegetarian ,I tried and my vit got worst. But if some one truly experienced some ting has helped or worsen vitiligo PLEASE SHARE! "

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  • I had an appointment with my Dermatologist yesterday, and asked her that very question. We've exhausted all treatments to repigment ( had some sucess in the past but recently the repigment skin has faded again). So I asked if there was ANYTHING I could do, diet, extra vitimans etc that will prevent it from progressing. (right now it seems to have stabalized again). The dr. said No, there is nothing besides wearing sunblock and avoiding a lot of direct sunlight. (and that is not guranteed but do help keep the contrast down, and prevent burning to cause other problems).

  • Honestly, I think that it really depends on the individual. In my personal opinion, I think that the root of Vitiligo is different for each person and therefore different diets/herbs/medicines will work for some people and not for others.

    • You are right Amanda ..But the point is If some ting works properly for some people then several will try it so that  it will be confermed that it works for majority.


      At the moment there is no any giving treatment that helps vary well for long time, most treatments effect is temporary.

      There is no any diet that help or worsen vitiligo eiether, may be this  topic will bring some people who have simmilar effect on diet ,then we can  try. I have tried all the remedies I haven`t come to any conclusion.

      For me it feels as if vitiligo goes its own way.

      The last treatment I havent try is melanocyte transplant...I have to wait until my vit is stable then I wil try it.


  •  I personaly think adding almond, Figs, Beetroot, Carrot, celery, checkpless, is not bad correct me if Im wrong.
    Avoid citrus fruits and reduce vitamin C is advised by many .

    Any one who has experience about Honey and kefir (Yogurt) what do you think.interesting topic i would like to hear other peoples exprience.


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