vitiligo and accutane

Does anyone know if my son can go on accutane for his severe acne. He also has his vitiligo spots several on his face with the acne. We had seen several MD all telling us to put him on Accutane. My question is Accutane is high high dose and Vitamin A. I just dont want his vitiligo to spread. They also told him to use a retinol A ointment  and everytime  he uses it I think it make his skin a little lighter in color. He is very upset with the acne. He is 16 years old and now he doesnt want to even go out between the vitiligo and the acne. Any information would help greatly.



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  • Please do not put your son on accutane.  I took it when I was 16!

    • Hi, Bernda, 

      Accutane is a very aggressive product for skin generally and especially for people with vit.

      Please stop this treatment for acne of your son. His severe acne will gone away in a few years.

      Help him to go out and to meet young people like him, it will be better for him.


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