Vitamin recommendation from vitiligo specialist

Just wanted to share the vitamin recommendation from the vitiligo specialist that I'm seeing. Alpha lipoid acid 200 mg CoQ 10 30-60 mg Fish oil omega. 1000mg Folic acid. 1mg Multiple vitamin. 1 per day B12. 1000mg Vit c. 1000mg D3. 1000-2000i.u. Vit e. 400 I.u. Hope that might help someone who can't get to a dr.

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  • How long have you been taking these vitamins ? And is there any improvement ?
    • Hi Mark,
      I've been taking these vitamins for a couple months now. From what I can tell seems like things are starting to stabilize. I will mention that I have segmental vit and my Dr has told me that 90% of her segmental vit patients usually see the spreading stop after a year so it may not be just the vitamins helping. But, I would recommend trying them to see if it might help you. Are you doing any kind of light treatment right now? Might help in conjunction with the vitamins.
      • Hi Mr 18,

        I have never tried any light treatment. My vitiligo has not spread at a rapid rate, but annoyingly its on my face. I use a cover cream that works well for me, but i have a new area appearing around my eyes and forehead which will be very challenging. I have decided to drastically change my diet & also take Vitamins. I will try to get my diet perfect for the next few months. then i will think about what treatment to try externally. 

        Although i am very excited about Clinivue Scenesse, just not sure how long it will be before we can get it.

        Kind regards 


  • Yes this is from Pearl Grimes. Sorry, alpha lipoic. I agree, I don't think everyone needs Vit C. I think it depends on each individual and how they react and what their body needs. this was just a handout from the dr and what her recommendations are however it is not tailored to any one specific person. I also don't follow this exactly. I take more vit D than recommended...4000 mg a day. I've also added in gingko biloba, beta carotene, and tyrosine.
    • You are getting more than enough ...if I were you I will wait with Gingko Biloba. boost your imune some ppl don`t need to over drive it ....many ppl complain about it .I just want to share what I know ...Have you tested blood leavel ? are you defficent on vitamin D? why do you take more.

      Ask ur derm before you add the dosage and other supplments.


      For how long were you taking the above supplments.

      Good luck!


      • Ok I will try cutting out the gingko and see what happens. Yes, did a blood test and came back deficient in vit d so that's why I take more. I've been taking them now for 2 months. Vit still seems unstable so I'm hoping the supplements will help. I also started acupuncture. We will see how that goes.

        Are you taking any supplements? Any tips on how you got your vit to stabilize? Mine is facial segmental vit so feels like it it spreading rapidly and I just wish it would stop already.
        • Hei Mr 18

          It is good to make blood test in serum for thyroid function ,vitamin B12 ,vitamin D3( If you have luck of sun) Ferritin, zinc,  copper and take supplements if you are deficient.

          As we all know vit is mysterious  but  Taking the above test and supplements is good for over all health…may it helps to repig or stabilize.

          I have tried almost all remedies ,the last 6 month have been trying all the heavy treatments ..I see good improvement but not cleared yet but I have a feeling soon it will be..then I will report here everything .

          Good luck! Don`t give up …don`t stress about the condition ,just try to do what you can with out causing stress.


          Happy new year!



          • Hey BG,
            Happy New Year to you!
            I just had a blood test done last week since I am also taking a low dose of prednisolone. I am now waiting to see how the next few months go on these vitamins. I would love to be able to get the Mktp done this year if vit stops spreading. I was told that normally segmental stops spreading at about 1 year. How's your repigmenting going?
  • Hello MR 18

    Thanks for reminding which dr.did you get it from? is it dr Grime…this is the perfect vitiligo supplement   I don`t know the first one, I guss you mean Alpha Lipoic…But I don`t  think we need to add all  like vitamin “C “ and multi vitamins as long as we eat verity food ,we need vitamin C but not too much ….It is ok to take supplments spesially if we are defficent to some vitamins or minirals.


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