UVB Narrowband Phototherapy

Hey Everyone! I'm new to this and so far i haven't seen anyone talking about having UVB Narrowband Phototherapy treatment. Currently I am using the Dermalight 80 and have been having some sort of UVB light treament for about 11 years. If there is anyone who is having this same treatment what is your experience with it and for those using other methods why have you chose that one and not another form of treatment?

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  • Hi Taylor
    I've used phototherapy, and yes it did work for a while, but you have to be careful as it can make the skin thinner so it will wrinkle quicker so be careful not to use it on your face. Unfortuneately the vitligo did return after 6 to 12 months, but i am older than you, so it may still be a solution for you. I did use a cream I got from my doctor which was expensive but used it on my face around my eyes and the mouth where I had small spots about the size of quarter or 20c piece The cream is Elidel and the result has been permanent, hope this has been of some help
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