
Does anyone have any treatment that they have been doing that is working? Any diets, vitamins, exercises, meditation?  Anything at all that seems to be working or even slightly working.  Please do not hesitate to comment back.

This is treatable and i know it.  Every bodily problem can be reversed/cured.     

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  • I am taking ginkgo biloba 2x a day, doing XTRAC laser treatment 3x a week and started a gluten-free diet (I don't have celiac) in hopes to re-pigment. The XTRAC laser has worked, slowly but surely, since 2007 I have gotten a few freckles back... no spots have completely gone away. I just noticed a tiny pigment spot on my finger and I am jumping for joy. 

  • I'm using homeopathy for hyperpigmentation (brown spots, freckles and blotches all over my body, opposed to white spots in viitligo) and it seems to be working.

    The remedy I'm using is Graphites 6c, liquid dose taken once a week.

    Graphites is described as "excellent for skin conditions" and along with Sulphur, is among the top two remedies used for skin ailments.

    Do a google or youtube search for "homeopathy for vitiligo" and you'll find that it cures people in some cases.

    I have a blog about homeopathy for hyperpigmentation:

    You can buy the homeopathic remedy at natural health stores or from different sites online. It's quite cheap, one vial costs about $15 and it will last the entire treatment. However you need to find the right remedy suited to your exact personality and symptoms.

  • I'm taking Recouleur and it filled it some spots but new white spots are still appearing :(

  • It's called " Switra Nivarini Paka"
  • Hello,
    I am taking B12, folic acid & some Ayurvedic treatment from India. It is helping. I am also applying clobetasol also.
    • what's the name of the ayurvedic treatment?

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