Tools For Stress Free Day 2 Day Life

Dear Friends, 

Majority of us are having stress in their Day to Day life. The level of stress is different from case to case bases but majority of us are having stress more or less in their day to day life. As discussion going on here on this site, stress is one of the causes for VT increments.

During my counseling experience, i  meet many VT patients who had developed more patches because of stress in their day to day life. Whenever they said, Sir, white patches are increasing, so I always go to the root of that situation, talk with patients and check medication, and also his/her life style.  9/10 times I always found that they are having excessive stress in their day to day life.

On other side of the coin,  when some says me static condition or zero increments, I always go to the root of that situation, talk with them more and also check their medications and also his/her life style. Majority of the time I found that they are having less stress in their day to day life.

So, I like to talk with you all today how to be Stress Free in our Day to Day Life. The Tools by which we can keep our self less stressful. I like to make this as two way communication, so please do share your views, inputs with me.

I am going to share few simple tools with you in series of my talks here.

Share with me your day to day life experience with stress. 

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