The only cure for vitiligo is never to give up

Hay every one,plz don't feel down .let me make you very clear the only cure for this disease is ,never to give up .it triggers when you feel like giving up because vitiligo is linked with stress , depression , when we get stressed out because of these spots and start thinking that there is no cure , trust me nothing will work out as these kind of thoughts will make your immune system weak and then nothing will work out . Firstly by positive take all the negative thoughts out of your mind . You can control this disease by control on your never and trust me what ever I said is not bookish knowledge , I have practically experienced it :) tc , good luck

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  • I entirely agree with you Khan, never give up, keep trying is the motto with this disease. I've had this for 3 years and got it while completing an internship for my master's degree in counseling; that's when I saw my first spot. I didn't know what it was at first but when I found out I started trying the creams which in my case did nothing and have tried lots of things since but I'm not the type that gives up. I WILL FIND A CURE FOR THIS!!!

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