The autoimmune connection

I have been reading up on health in general over the years and on auto ids and the triggers. Stress is obviously a big one but the more I research the more I believe that digestion and diet is a major contributor to the problem, obviously conditions and genetics are also a factor.Mine all kicked off at a stressful time and I notice that when my digestion is in unstable mode the vitilgo spreads quicker. I also have hashimotos hypothyroid which again does not help keep the body balanced even though I am registering in the "normal range" on 75mg a day. Also my sister has just been diagnosed with hashimotos and both my parents with hypothyroid all very recently and all have their issues with digestion. Does anyone else have digestion issues along with there vit or any experience they can share? Phil

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  • Hi guys! fingers crossed christopher that this was the route of your problems and that you may get some reversal! My digestion problems have been about for some years and I have been tested for h pylori and celiac etc but negative. I am going to go back though as I had some antibiotics for a bad chest a couple of months back and it made my digestion perfect and I felt the best I have in ages. I also find that Yakult helps so it may still be a bacterial infection I suppose.
    Azr, not sure we'd get many takers if we put our genes on eBay!!!
  • Hi Phil ,I to think that digestion plays a major part in cause of vitiligo.Ive recently had a lot of stomach issues,grumbling stomach after eating.Pains in my stomach and between my shoulder blades.The pains were so bad i went to my doctor who took blood and stool samples.When the results came back i was diagosed with a bacteria in my stomach called h pylori.Basically h pylori is the root cause of a stomach condition called gastritis (which is basically inflamation of the stomach walls) if untreated this is what causes people to have ulcers.The funny thing about h pylori is 50 percent of the worlds population have this bacteria in their stomach but it can lie dormant before deciding to attack the mucus lining of your stomach.As ive had vitiligo for a while i decided to google vitiligo h pylori and low and behold some doctor has done research on this and 90 percent of vitiligo sufferers he tested had the h pylori bug and i think 90-100 percent of people with alopicia again had this bug so i do think there is definately a link between in your digestive tract and vitiligo and the immune system.The doctor in question thought that the bacterium in question reduces the acid level in your stomach and intestines meaning food isnt broken down properly and this inhibits the amount of vitamins your body can absorb causing your immune system to go off kilter and start attacking your pigmented skin.Ive been succesfully treated for this bug with a triple dose of antibiotics and proton pump inhibtors so we'll see if this will help with my vitiligo.Unfortunatley ive heard it can take a number of years before your immune system rectifies itself,so i,ll just have to wait and see.

  • one thing that keeps buggering me is when my stomach and intestine is making loud noises, and for some reason i think its link to vitiligo. Many other members have autoimmune disorder like my younger brother has ankyloosing spondylitis, crohn disease and psoriasis my elder brother has ulcerative colitis and vitiligo and deficient with iron my mum and sister has thyroid and other sister is anaemic. 

  • i had digestion problem ven im taking medicine 4 my viti :(

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