
Im 16 and I never see anyone my age who has vitiligo! It kind of upsets me. I see older and younger people, but never in between. I would live to have someone my age to talk to about it, but I can never find anyone

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  • I'm 17 and I have vitiligo, but mine hasn't spread that much. Just want to let you know that there are others out there.

  • Haylee, I know what you are going through. Even though I was always around my friends I felt alone because it was too embarrassing to bring up and I felt like they couldn't empathize because they didn't have to deal with what I have to deal with. I can remember one time in school when we had to change for swimming. One of the girls commented on my skin in front of the entire class and I was mortified!!! I was already extremely self conscious because I was overweight and because of my skin and from that point on I never changed for gym class again. I ended up failing multiple gym classes and dropped out of school because of it. My one piece of advice is, don't let it overtake your life. To this day I am still self conscious but not nearly as much as before. I learned that if someone has a problem with your skin that it is THEIR problem, not mine. I am now putting myself through college and I am engaged to a wonderful man who sees me for me. :)

  • hey im 17, maybe not your age, but if you want you can talk to me (: i would love to have someone of my age to talk to also. (sorry for the bad english)

  • Stay strong !!!! I was 15 when I first got it, and I am 52 now. One thing I have learned BEAUTY is on the inside not outside.

  • Hey , im 16 and i have vitiligo . So if you want to talk im always here :/

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