tattoos over vitiligo

Hello - Has anyone had any experience with tattooing skin where pigment has been loss? I have received laser treatments at mount sinai medical center in NYC that helped reproduce pigment in a decent amount of my face but my arms/hands did not change and I believe it is now slowly spreading.

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  • Thank you so much for your response.  Did they treat you with anything else.  Did it take awhile for you to get an appointment?  Was he helpful and caring. Sorry I am asking so many questions.  Did they do a full blood work-up and are you taking any supplements.

    • DON`T USE TATTO IF VITILIGO IS ACTIVE...But if ur vit is stable atleast for 6 monthes or over ayear or two then you can try micropigmention ...if u find a good micropigmentisian who can match ur color it may work for you ...It works for some ppl who has small spots.

      Here near NY :-

      I don`t know if they are good as they claim...try to reaserch around you live.


  • Don't have the answer to your question but was wondering the name of the doctor at mt. Sinai. We are in westchester county and am looking for a good doctor
    • I first saw Dr. Joshua Zeichner who confirmed my vitiligo and referred me to their laser treatment specialist, Dr. Suhail Hadi. I then went there about once or twice a week for a few months to receive laser treatments which I will admit did wonders for my face but not so much arms and other areas. It was not an easy process - laser treatments caused some burns and even with insurance paying most of it I still had to pay quite a bit for each visit. But in the end I did get some pigment back in my face, not as much as I would have liked but it did work to some degree. 

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