tattoo designs on fingers and hands

Hey everyone, I've been seriously thinking about getting tattoos on my fingers and hands to cover up my vitiligo on my hands which is where it bothers me the most.. Just wondering if anyone has any input on this before I decide to go through with it.. My vitiligo has been fairly stable for the last 17 years

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  • hi i did it on my feet where i have a white spot and nothings go wrong still stable and it did not spread till now..:D

  • Well, I talked to the lady at the art studio today and she explained that i dont want to get normal tattoo ink to cover my spots and that she is certified in tattoo cosmetics and that she has done vitligo patients before, however it is summertime and she said I should wait untill my tan fades because she wants to get an inbetween color for my spots so they wont be too dark in the winter and too light in the summer..

  • If ur vitligo is stable for so long problem to make tatoo ..but the vit area doesn`t recive the pigment equally with normal skin therefore it will look different ...other word when ppl look they can see the different.

    I advice you to cover it by permanent make up (micropigmentation) If you are lucky you may get simmilar color of ur skin.There are many experts in Europe.I don`t know about Us ..but sure you can find them in some beuty salone those who fix permanent eye liner or lip collor.

    It mat not cover 100% all the time coz our skin pigments changes after the seson while MP area stay the same ,at least it doesn`t look like vitiligo.


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