Systemetic corticosteroids for slow-growing vitiligo

Most of us know that Systemic corticosteroid has a very good result (95%) for FAST-growing vitiligo. Though it has some side-effects but that is not guaranteed for every one. There are many safer versions of Systemic corticosteroids such as oral mini pulse therapy which is meant to reduce/avoid the side effects. Now the question is if it works well for FAST-growing vitiligo Why cant we use it for slow growing vitiligo. What is it that makes it effective ONLY for fast growing vitiligo, not for slow growing vitiligo. Its an immuno-suppressant therapy, hence should work for all. If need be, we can tune/modulate the therapy for slow growing vitiligo. Why isnt there any version of Systemic corticosteroid for slow growing vitiligo?

Can anybody suggest one?

check further- ORAL MINI PULSE THERAPY  and Systemic corticosteroid

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  • I have tried this treatment for about 4 months ..sorry no different ....I felt no good on my stomach ...I think got more acid ,then i stoped it..D

    • Did u have any other disease while trying this ? Do u have fast/slow growing vitiligo ? Which version did u try ?

      • I didn`t have other disease.I only got strange stomch feeling while taking the mini pulse treatment 2 times a week..My vit was stable...I haven`t observe any change taking it for about 4 month.

        • U said ur vitiligo was stable. Wasnt it a success , we need stability, not cure. Do u think mini-pulse made it stable ?

          • It is difficult to say that Mini pulse helped me to be stable ...I am allways on different treatments..I don`t know which one make it stable...the only treatment which i observe repigmentation is cell treatment combined with Deadsea photo doesn`t help fully either...D

            • which treatment you were in when u had stability ?

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