I guys, Hope all is well with everyone. I have a quick question: Does using a sunscreen prove to help block sunburn more? For instance, Neutrogena has a sunscreen that goes to 100 or even 110spf. I honestly have not been able to find more  brands with that high of an spf. Is there any differences? better or worse that some of you may have experienced? Please share..thanks :)

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  • Picking out sunscreens can be difficult with all of the different types out there.  But here is some basic information that should help you.

    - Anything over SPF 50 does not provide more protection.

    - Use a Broad Spectrum sunscreen to block UVA and UVB rays

    - Reapply every 2 hours since it is easily sweated off and/or rubbed off if you aren't using water resistant sunscreen.

    - It's usually helpful to wear long sleeves, pants and wide brimmed hats if you will be outside for several hours.

    There's a video that talks more about sunscreen on the National Vitiligo Foundation's Facebook wall in honor of "National Don't Fry Day".

    I hope this helps


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