

I would like to share with everyone my positive experience with treatment that worked for me, hoping it will give some of you renewed outlook on your condition. Please remember that what works for one person may not work for another, and in fact, might make things even worse. I want to share this not because I wish to brag, but in case it will improve your condition as well.

As you might have read in previous posts by me, I was diagnosed with Vitiligo six months ago (January) at the ripe age of 49. I had a spot on my neck (1 inch x 1 inch approximately) with a few smaller ones nearby.

My dermatologist basically told me there is nothing I could do, and that Vitiligo is a chronic and progressive disease. When I insisted that we should do something, she prescribed Protopic and warned me to stay out of the sun. She also made it a point to instruct me to protect the spots from any exposure to sunlight by covering my neck and using sunscreen all the time.

I did what she said for three months, but the condition worsened -- the big spot grew larger and new spots appeared behind my right ear, on my forehead, and on the tip of my nose. I was not happy, and decided to see another dermatologist with more credentials and more experience with Vitiligo treatment.

The new dermatologist, discussed more options with me including Eximer (laser treatment) which immediately gave me new hope of my fight with Vitiligo. He suggested that we start with the following: Continue with Protopic every other day, and Fluocinonide on the days I don’t use Protopic. He also explained that in order for pigmentation to take place, I must expose the spots to sunlight.

Living in Arizona, we have abundance or sun -- For the last three months, I made sure to spend at least 10 to 20 minutes in the sun every day, without any protection. And of course, I used the topical ointments as prescribed.

Last Thursday, I went to see the dermatologist for a follow up. I am delighted to report that my big spot has shrunk to less than half the size it was three months earlier. It not only pigmented from outside in, but there are also very visible freckles in the middle. The other spots have pretty much disappeared...

Bottom line is that the medications mentioned above and exposure to the sunlight worked well for me. I should mention that I am a dark-skinned individual (of Middle Eastern descent), and I must reiterate that this is not a call for everyone with Vitiligo to go out in the sun with complete disregard to medical warnings.

I hope my experience will be of benefit to others.


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  • that is awesome.  Keep an eye on it because the vit i had came back after 5 years.  hope yours doesn't.  take care.

  • I don't know if I agree with the sun exposure. I suppose if you have no other option, but only in very small amounts. Important to remember that the spots we have, that don't have any pigment, also don't have any protection from the harmful rays of the sun. The risk of skin cancer for us is much, much greater than someone without vit. That's why my Derm uses narrow band UVB. When I asked him, he said the risk of skin cancer was greatly reduced using N-UVB. I have been using N-UVB, topical steroid cream 3 times a week, and a cream I had made with the help of a local lab. In 2.5 months I was able to get rid of vit on my face. I have before and after pics on my group page "Waterloo Region Vitiligo Friends". Please tell me what you think. I will be posting more pics soon.

    • Hi there I was just wondering what was in the cream you had made? I have just started the protopics and will be doing UVB soon,for now early am sun, keeping my fingers crossed
      • Fruit extract mixed with Mediderm cream (base cream). We are discussing at the moment the possibility of adding a compound commonly used to make topical creams more available for absorption. Don't know at the moment because I am happy with the results and by just having the extract makes the cream more "natural". I will put more before and after pics soon. Changing name of group too, become a member so that you can keep track of events.

        Protopic was initially prescribed for me ...but it was very expensive over $130.00!

        • Are the uvb treatments expensive
          • I don't know. Health care in Canada covers the cost. The steroid cream costs about $30 and the cream I made cost about $50 to make.

          • I don't know. Health care in Canada covers the cost. The steroid cream is about $30 and the cream I made costs me about $50.

  • That is great news!! :)
    I use UVB and i'm getting repigmentation as well, so it is similar to what you are doing

    • Hi JD & Kimi

      Do you think the sun has palyed any part in the FD said....or are you getting repigmented only through Protopic and UVB.......tks

      • Yes the sun with good measure is a good friend of a a person with Vitiligo, but you must be very careful because burning your skin is a latent danger and a backward step in the process.  I would consult a dermatologist and have them give you what would be a good amount of time.

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