Stressed out

Having vitiligo has put so much stress on me. I constantly worry about what people will say especially since I am in high school. I don't really tell anyone unless they see my make up smudging or something but the other day some girl was making fun of Michael Jackson for his skin disorder and I just stuck up for everyone with vitiligo now people always make their side comments. I heard stress can cause vitiligo to spread? Is this true.

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  • They say stress is a trigger but I can't help but disagree at least in my case. I don't think I stress more than the average person. In fact, I've always been a very laid back, mellow person. Everyone in HS probably has the same stress level as you, some even more so. Also, I tend to cringe when I hear people snicker and reference vitiligo as the "Michael Jackson disease". He was always let's just say a bit eccentric. The vast majority of us are totally normal people. Everyone has issues, except in our case ours is just more visible to others. Just my opinion! Peace everyone!
  • I believe stress does cause it to increase. I'm taking yoga now. It is not a cure for vitiligo, but it sure makes me feel better.

    High School can be hell, in my experience. Just make sure you spend time with people you like and who like you. Not necessarily at the school.
  • Hi there, i believe stress does play a part in the speed vitiligo can spread, recently i've been stressed and its only now its started to develop around my eyes. Join a gym, or start a sport where you can relieve all your stress.

    • I'm in junior classes as a freshman so school work tends to stress me out. And I'm not very liked at my school so the people are stressing me out to. And my vitiligo started to get much worse this year.
    • What is the biggest stressor there? People or schoolwork or schedule?
    • Oh thanks! Mine has been spreading fast recently it may be from all the stress of school.
    • Hi ...The only  common trigger of vitiligo is stress not busy stress but emotional stress take it easy find good makeup until proper cure comes is not so far will come soon.D

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