
I went to two dermatologist and they said I had vitiligo. I have it on the both corners of my lips.  What are my next options? My doctor said laser treatment but he does not how long or how many treatments are needed.  It seems to be localized in only those two spots.  Should I get a biopsy to confirm? He looked under a UV black light and diagnosed it.  What should I do next? I am worried that it will spread. Thanks in advance.

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  • I say go right to laser treatment, only because the sun/lasers are what are going to help repigment even before the creams/ointments.  By exposing vit spots to sun or laser you are somewhat stimulating the skin's cells which will help recolor.  The earlier you treat new spots, the better you are, don't let it spread, without treatment the likelihood of it spreading is very high... Vitiligo is so unpredictable.  Most of all... Don't stress, it only makes it worse, The earlier you can accept vit and the changes it may have on your body the better off you will be in the future.  Embrace your vit, research, come to vitiligo friends for support and just be happy

    Good Luck!

    • Also... take vitamins, they help tremendously :)) before I even started laser treatments and ointments I started a vitamin ritual and noticed my color appearing very quickly

      Vitamin B12

      Folic Acid

      multi Vitamin

      Vitamin D

      alot of people with Vit seriously lack Vitamin D and do not know this

      others I take are

      Vitmain E


      Vitamin C

      and also a supplement for hair skin nails like a Vitamin A

      yes I know downing almost 10 vitamins a day can be a little exhausting at times, but the benefits are amazing, not only am i regaining color, but I am super healthy and rarely get sick :)

  • Thanks all for the quick reply. I will give this a try and keep you updated.  My dermatologist went straight to laser treatment as the next option which I am not that confident about.  Thanks again!

  • is Elidel a good one?

  • I agree with the Protopic but you have to have great insurance because that stuff is very expensive. My Derm gave me a bunch of free samples at first. Maybe your derm has some too?

  • Hey !!! Give Protopic (Tacrolimus) ointment a try !!! It works great for most people with vitiligo on the face. Good luck !!!! 

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