Steroid Cream is working!!!!!!!

Hello all!  I just wanted to post that my steroid cream, Desoximetasone, is definitely working.  It has been 1 month since I started applying it every day and the freckling is really starting up!  My doc is giving it 3 months to see how much repigmentation I get and so far I am really excited.  I have not had any side effects from this so I am hoping I can stay on it until most of the spots are gone.  

I also tried Protopic but after 3 months nothing happened.  What a waste of time.  So if you are looking for some treatment that works, this cream will work.  It just sucks that I have to spend so much time putting it on all the spots...there are a LOT of spots.

If anyone wants to discuss it, please let me know. Take care!  :)

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  • Erica:

    So nice to hear about your success.  Very encouraging.  I had been sharing our success in this forum for the past 4.5 years.  Due to work load and other life priorities, I had been away from site site in the past 1 year.  But, I will visit this forum regularly.   

    For my 11 year old daughter, we used Protopic during the week days, and a mild steriod during the weekends (typically, only for 2 or 3 weeks at a stretch).  It worked well so far.  We have NOT seen any side effects.  Vit of my daughter disappeared, 95%.  Hence, we are ONLY on protopic now.  Our research shows, Protopic alone does NOT work, it has to be aided by something else.....Try searching some discussions threads I posted in the past for additional info. 

  • Hi you cannot get this over the counter.  It is by prescription only so you would have to ask your doctor for it.  

  • I am interested in trying it, can you get it over the counter ?

  • That is so great! I am so happy when I hear these stories. Protopic only works on my face so when I get insurance I will have to mention this to my derm.

    • Amanda, yes, the Protopic is the only thing that can be used on the face.  The steroid cream cannot be used on the face.  Thank god I dont have the spots on my was spared so far!!  But I have a giant tube of Protopic on hand at the first sign of a spot on my face.  (OK I said face way too many times in those sentences!!  haha)

      I cannot tell you how thrilled I am that there is some repigmentation going on.  I hide most of my serious emotions from my family and pass it off like I am not bothered (especially in front of my kids) but it really, really affects me.  I hate looking in the mirror at my underarms, I am horrified at what I see.  I cry every day about looking like a monster someday if this gets completely out of control.  So for anyone out there suffering the way I am, I sure hope you can give this a try!!!!!  

      Take care...Erica

      • Thats great... thank you Erica i try also the cream you have said.. i tell you also what if change on me.Did you take folic acid and vitamin d?Thanks for the information...I am new here

            I fell how you feel also....for now i dint go out...


        Take care


        Its me


        • Kris...yes, I also take a ton of supplemental vitamins but nothing was working until the cream.  I take the vitamins for general health but not sure they impact the Vitiligo at all as I have been taking the vitamins for almost a year.  I do use Vitamin D, Folic Acid, Copper, PABA and a multiple vitamin for skin/hair every day.  

          • Thank you Erica..i try your cream also but i must go to the dr. first to  prescribed me that kind of cream.....only this year my vit spread almost 10 years its stable but now its starting spreading  again...Thank you..

  • hello Erica. thanks for the information. few years ago i also had applied a steroid cream on my white patches. it worked verywell. but the pharmacy stopped manufacturing that ointment. i felt so helpless. i think i should try ur steroid cream. could u plz tell me the brand name of the cream.

    • Debasmita - sure!  Here are all the details of my cream:

      Name:  Desoximetasone

      Manufacturer:  Taro Pharmaceuticals

      Type:  Cream 0.25%

      I hope this helps!  Let us know if you start using it too.  Take care!

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