Wall of Fame !! -Some Success Stories available Online

Congratulations on your hard earned success!!


1)    Emily’s Success Story (Yr 1999 ) -> lactose intolernt + toxins in body

http://vitiligo.50webs.com/ -> refer Treatment (chapter 5)

2) XvitiX ( yr 2012) -> lactose intolerance - removing some items from diet helped him.



3)    Valerie Success Story (Yr 2007 ) - Ph balance



4)     RA story http://vitiligocover.com/ras-vitiligo-repigmentation-success-photos-and-story/ -> Basically, she used a personal UVB lamp (yr 2010)


5)    Merry’ s story ( yr 2010) - some ayurvedic med



6) Vitiligo cover story -> http://vitiligocover.com/i-am-99-re-pigmented/ , the treatment that member A  used a strange stuff along with others to repigment ( yr 2012) : nutritional deficiency
shark cartilage – Has Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus(Calcium, Vit D3 ) ,
mucopolysaccharides for anti-inflammatory response (available in aloe vera)

7)   Nathen Yeti post (yr 2012)

main aid - protopic & a steriod cream




8) Andrey shared his experience (yr 2013)


Tyrosine worked for him - there are some side effects too (diabetes or Parkinson's , thyroid or if any autoimmune disease is there maybe then you should avoid...please check and consult doc if its suitable in your case or not).


It creates hope and posivity that  vitiligo is completely curable (and stress for few too oh no i am still not thr :) and you are lucky too!! 


 Would love to hear from u all on ur experience . Those who have re pigmented 90% or more please do share your success and journey with us.


Good Luck!

Happy Repigmenting Friends :)

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  • I have a question I have been thinking of. Maybe you can tell me whether you think this is a correct theory or not...

    Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease and vitamin C boosts our immune system. Since our immune system is attacking our pigment, does taking Vitamin C make it our immune system stronger and therefore our autoimmune disease stronger?

    Does that make sense? Maybe it's not connected.

    • Hey Amanda,

      I think it is about how your immune system programs rather than it's strength. So therefore if it is programming part of it incorrectly, as in autoimmune disorders, if you boost it you are also boosting the incorrectly programmed part. So if you wear it down vice versa. So really we need something that will correct the programming part... If you see what I mean.

      Incidently I have found VitC is fine for me.


      • Good article on T Cells and B Cells:


        • Just for my note:-

          T Cell and B cell finally produce antibodies whenever they think there is an infection due to foriegn/germs .


          Now why body thinks there is an infection ? you might have some autoimmune disorder or you are allergic to something like dust , dairy product etc or immunity was low  => The immune system 'mistakes' a protein in your body to be a foreign antigen. It then makes antibodies which attach to this protein to kill them . This can cause cell damage or other problems to the affected part of the body (eg vitiligo).


          =>  So when you are injured, or infected with germs, your body's first line of defence is often inflammation and produce antibodies , these antibodies stick to cells and destory them =>  Inflammation is triggered by special proteins, known as cytokines and complement proteins => Cytokines are are small signaling molecules used for cell signaling and cytokines are also  immunomodulating agents.


          Protopic is a topical immunomodulator (TIM) that acts at the site of the immune imbalance to help stop the inflammation.

          anti-inflamatory stuff: one can cook food with olive oil , have spices ginger , garlic.

      • Thank you Wanda!

        • I've had no problem with vitamin C either. Though I do tend towards a more alkaline diet anyway. I guess if I ate a lot more acidic foods then extra vitamin C might be too much. 

          • These are some experiences of people whom i found online and compiled together. Vitiligo is so unpredictable that it varies from person to person.Anything in moderation is good. I also have Vit C in moderation.

            yup Vit C is fine with me too..i never had trouble with it.

            The reason why i could correlate that some doctors recommend to avoid it is Vit C is skin lightening/bleaching agent , u might have seen most of the beauty products which claim for fairer complexion have Vit C in them. Also Vit C is acidic and immune booster . maybe thats why.

            • Thanks for sharing NJ  ..I agree in most points .

              Emily’s Success Story it is some ting worked for her..There are many vegiterians who develop vitiligo.

              Ayorvedic I have tried is seen some pigment but I wont adviceit can be denjerous..

              Antioxident rich supplments :- some ppl get worsnning...it is like over vitamin c.


  • Wow! Thanks so much for all the great info. The Vitamin C thing really makes me sad because I like to eat oranges. In fact I was avoiding oranges/orange juice for months after I found out about it's possible effects but this week I couldn't stand it and I ate three oranges. I think my body needed some Vitamin C or potassium!

  • thank you nj

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