Ever notice some poeple you meet with Vitiligo are more outgoing than others, some like going out to the clubs with their friends and they don't seem too let their Vitiligo stop them from having a night out on the town and then theirs others who try so hard to hide their Vitiligo because they seem so ashamed about it, but what is there to be ashamed about. it's not your fault you have Vitiligo none of us asked for Vitiligo but we have it now and we just have to deal with life the best way we can I know that Vitiligo not only destroys the skin pigment cells but it does destroy a person's social life especially when they are in their late teens. How many of us have said
"Dear God Why Me ?, Why Did You Have To Put This Vitiligo On Me ?" I think I asked that question a thousand times did any of you ? My Mother used to always tell me that life is not fair, I never really gave that any thought until I got Vitiligo and I started saying to myself, Life is not fair.When I look at all the beautiful people on this website I say too myself was life fair to give us Vitiligo like it was some cruel joke or something. Why us ? or in this case why any of us ? I guess it's like that old saying "You have to play the game with the uniform that you were issued with. no matter how much you hate the uniform you got to wear it to be on the team. and just like with Vitiligo we have to go thru life with our Vitiligo no matter how much we may hate this condition,disorder or disease no matter what classification you want to label it as life goes on for us people with Vitilig just be strong and continue to be yourself no matter if your outgoing or your very shy just be glad to be alive despite your Vitiligo because for some of us life is too short to sit around crying about Vitiligo there's a world out there and there's life to be lived
Carlton R. Manley Vitiligo Patient For Over 25 Years Now !!!!!!!!!!!!!