skin creams

hi everyone ive recently purchased vitiligo herbal skin cream extra strength from Wanakee Hills wellness well website. has anyone else purchased this product and had any good results

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  • I tried it. It made a dime size of pigment come back on my face. Then I got Protopic and decided to put Protopic on one side and lotion on the other as an experiment. The pigment on the Protopic side took off so I stopped with the lotion. I still have the lotion. Even though the lotion didn't do a lot, it really made my skin feel great.

    • Thank you very much my dear!

  • Hello Mike,

    Have you tried the product ?Any results?Please let me know 'cause I want to buy it as well.

    Thank you very much!

  • She say a lot of people has got succes, I know several who try it with out succes.There is no treatment which works for every one you just have to try it.

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