Skin Bleaching

Hi everyone, I am seeing a dermatologist in February due to an increased spread of my vitiligo to discuss about skin bleaching. I am wearing fake tan once a week and it lasts just about a week but makes my skin very dry and it looks worse when it's wearing off near the end of the week. It's much easier in the winter to cope with it but summer makes everything worse, fake tan feels like another layer of very dry skin on top of my own skin also gets patchy very quickly due to heat and sweat! I go to gym regularly too which also cause fake tan patches.

 I would like to know if anyone tried skin bleaching and what's their experiences? I read about premature skin ageing and skin thinning which is a bit scary but I am also concerned about bleaching my family members by physical contact. How is the bleach applied and what's the odds of bleaching family members by physical contact and what cautions I can take to prevent this happening? If anyone has been through this process what's your own experience and would you recommend it?  

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  • Hello NM,

    i think you are talking about the depigmentation process, aka getting rid of pigment skin and have a unified color !
    well, first of all you can use the search engine of this forum with the term "depigmentatoin" and read  real people speaking about  their individual journey for this medical approach.

    i will give you a short summary - but i advice you to ask your own derm about it-

    depegmentation must always be approved by your doctor, you need to have an active stage of vitiligo, and you also need to be 75% to 80% depigmented by vitiligo -your body- those two conditions will make you qualify for such treatment.

    this treatment is none reversible, meanings you will lose your original skin tone for ever, which can have some downside on you, so you need to think about depigmentation patiently and wisely.

    if approved by your doctor, he will write you a prescription for a cream to apply daily on pigmented skin, the cream commercial name is Monobenzone and can only be obtained via a compounding pharmacy - where i live they are forbidden to operate -, monbenzone medical name is monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone, there is no enough studies to understand how this substance kills the remaining pigment cells, they just know that it works. this cream was once sold under the name of Benoquin, but the American  company that used to produce ICN was sold to a bigger corporation and they stopped producing it since 2012 - capitalism old story of not caring about people- . unfortunately now the internet is full of scams about Benoquin, do not ,i repeat, do not go and buy it online from any website, i have read reports about  scammers putting banned chemical substance instead of the expensive monobenzone , this can really harm you. again there is not such thing as Benoquin. all of it are scams!  people will do anything to get money YUK.

    as i told you before you need to go to a compounding pharmacy to get it , your prescription would come with different concentration , 5% , 10%, and 20%. each has it own medical reason and skin reaction.

    finally i just started using this cream, & will update everyone here on my journey.

    you can read more info on how to obtain this from my earlier post.

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