Simple tips to start balancing pH levels in your body

Source of inspiration: Valarie (Vitiligo - A Fading Problem and a pH Miracle!)


What is body pH anyway?

The literal meaning of pH is the potential of hydrogen, which is really a measure of alkaline and acidic levels in your body.


The potential of hydrogen to do what ?

Any substance that yields hydrogen ions in solution is called an acid. The more hydrogen ions yielded, the stronger the acid. The stronger the acid, the more effective it is at breaking down substances. This is the essence of a free radical.


What disrupts body ph, most commonly causing over acidity to result?

Mild chronic acidosis often results from overconsumption of acid producing foods such as refined carbohydrates, damaged fats, sweets/carbonated drinks, alcohol, coffee, soda, meats and dairy products.

When acid levels rise, fermentation takes place (hmm now I understand why yeast and fermented products are restricted), causing oxygen levels within cells to decrease. Improper fat metabolism clogs cell membranes which also has an effect on the amount of oxygen within each cell, by causing cell wall permeability issues. This means nutrients can neither enter nor exit cells properly -> Toxins.


Possible side effects of imbalanced ph

Mild chronic acidosis manifests in symptoms such as inflammation, dry skin, bleeding gums, brittle nails, thinning hair, irritability, fatigue, energy loss, joint pain and weakness, decreased immunity, psoriasis, yeast infections, kidney stones, gall bladder and liver congestion and arterial damage. (Brown and Trivieri, 2006)



Simple changes how to balance PH as a starting point:

1)      Drink plenty of water everyday to flush out toxins.  Reduce/Avoid carbonated /sweet drinks.

2)      No coffee – from New Year 2013. "Never drink coffee again" may be less realistic than "only drink coffee once a week." .. Can include Green Tea too.

3)      Try to avoid fermented food (When acid levels rise, fermentation takes place remember)

Here is the list :


It is busy life and difficult to follow all at least above 3 are still easier to start with.

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  • my PH was normal , recently gotta know that ( there are simple ways to check if we google silly me ) ..i dint had to to worry about it. happy :)

  • Hi BG ,
    i have everything vit c , dairy , gluten even cakes..everything but in balanced way if am having carbs so am having salads and water too...etc...and everything in moderation is good..i follow that :)

    It is simple things which does not alter or cause big change in our regime... ph balanace is good for overall health and nothing to do with vitiligo... drinking plenty of water , reducing refined carbohydrate in diet ( as it sticks to gut and is not properly digested or eliminated) and reduce amount of coffee... is recommended to all for general well being. there is nothing new here ...isn't it simple and won't it improve our overall health ? except coffee maybe we arn't removing anything from our diet :)

    drink lot of water if your having coffee and once in a while its long u know how to balance it :)
    • Hey NJ

      I am agree with you , it is about balansing ,Get enough vegetables and salad in your diet,  don’t eat heavy meal  at late dinner ,don`t drink coffee late after noon coz good sleep is very important for formation of pigment. Drink water after alcohol drinks , wine and coffee.every ting too much is not good not even water  coz it may depute necessary minerals, It is good to balance for overall health reason.



  • Heyy NJ

    Thanks for sharing, but there is no any evidence showing vitligo connected to diet ,As long as we eat moderate and variety …no problem , over do any ting is not good.


    If we try to follow all theories we will end up eating nothing, which creates stress….the only known trigger of vitiligo is Stress, there is against theory of every foods on the list.


    We need all vitamins and minerals in order to produce melanin avoid food only if you are allergy to it.


    We need to eat meat coz it is good source of vitamin B12 ,we need diary products coz it is good source of vitamin E.,, but moderately. we need yogurt and kefir coz it has good bacteria and fungus which helps digestion , we need moderate green tea coz it is good source of antioxidant…..


    Too much of every ting is not good ,key is moderation balancing.




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