Self confidence and vitiligo

Hello...I'm new here. My name is Rachel and Im fourteen. I've had vitiligo since the first grade. Im really shy around new people. I feel like everyone is looking at me because of it. I never want to go out and take any risks. Everyone always tells me it's no big deal, but how am I supposed to gain self confidence?

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  • Hi Rachel,

    I felt the same way when I was your age. I was so busy thinking about how I looked that I was really shy and quiet as well, and people stared and asked me questions all the time. Just being 14 can be a rough time with everything else you are dealing with. So it is a big you!

    My friends and family didn't care that I had it, but I still felt like I was ugly and everyone was looking at me. I see now, that when you're at that age, everyone is worried about how they look and unfortunately take it out on other kids to make themselves feel better.

    I built my confidence by getting a black belt and writing stories. All I can say is do things that make you happy. I agree with Ish, that the only way to develop confidence is to face things that are scary or challenging. You do this enough and you will find very quickly that you are stronger than you thought. Having vitiligo is just one thing about you, but the key is focusing on all the other good stuff!

    I don't know where you live, but I have a group in Los Angeles, and there is a also a conference in August in Florida where you and your parents could meet other kids with vit. 

    Keep your chin up,


  • Hey Rachel,

    A lot of us here have had very similar feelings but if I were able to go back and be fourteen again, I would tell myself that even if I was afraid of trying something new-I should try it rather than regret never giving it a go...You will only ever gain confidence by challenging yourself-push through that fear and remember the amazing feeling when you have achieved a goal-no matter how small it may seem-never belittle your achievements.


    We have one life but we have many chances to get things right-there is nothing wrong with being afraid but do things despite feeling that fear! That is a sign of true courage. Be brave Rachel-speak up, go out-enjoy your life!


    Much love,


    Ish xxx

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