Screw this.....unrealistic expectation on women.

I can speak for many women around the world who have pent up anger, frustation and many other feelings ready to explode with the current state of unrealistic expectations on women. We are asked to be presentable at all times, be fit, be thin,shave your entire body, fix your teeth , get makeup and great clothes that compliment your figure, know what to say and what to do at the right moment , have a career, have a job,have a high paying job, have a men,put out, don't put out, get a house,be sexy, be different and at the end of the day do not even dare to look or feel tired or like a normal human being or else your man may just dump you. Imagine if that is for normal women, how big is the damage for women with vitiligo?




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    I love what you wrote! I feel the same thing! Once a girl steps into womanhood she is forever changed in the eyes of her society. Everything she does or says is critiqued and thoroughly analyzed. I totally support individuality and going against the mold. No women should be forced to change themselves to fit in.

  • It means lot of stress!
  • Hi Yari,

    Really understand your point, I really think that its we women that has allowed it this far, all that doesn't work for me, I live my normal positive life like a human that I am, I will rather be real and me than so artificial fake beauties they sell to us, I look around atimes and ask myself what is wrong with women? Like u said we are being used for everything and yet being expected to be different and what a human cant possibly


    One gets pissed or angry and you hear its not ready like, have come to understand that anything that is not lady like is sure man like......

    On us with our Vitiligo, we cannot allow them bring us down in anyway, truth is that they do not care, not all, they do not care, but thats fine only that our part is not to allow them relegate us to the back


    We are Conquerors!!!

  • It's got to be bad if you live in Miami.  I've been there a few times that place is filled with hot women that would not talk to me and they all seemed to be competing to be the hottest.  This could have been because I was at the fountain blue but Miami may be the worst place to be for anyone with Vit.
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