Reducing Stress

Good Evening Everyone!

I've been diagnosed with vitiligo for about a year now and it's starting to be noticeable. I've been doing as much research as I can about it and trying to learn what my trigger is. I started a new job two weeks ago and in the last two weeks I have noticed more spots in the last two weeks than I have since I was diagnosed. I know once I get comfortable with my new job my stress level will go down , but until then I was wondering if I reduce my stress levels then the spots will not appear as fast? I'm looking for ways to reduce my stress while trying to get the hang of my new job. I was considering meditation at night but i'm not sure how much it will really help. I've been reading about all this but i'm looking for advice from others in the same situation. Thank you for your help!

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  • Cortisol Manager! Supplements that help regulate stress. look it up.

  • I supose that stress wont't help you with vitiligo. Each person have to find his/her own method to find the calm. Anyway, I think meditation or yoga can help you in this way. Also, from my experience changing the eating habits help me to calm and disappearing stress. I started with macrobiotic diet and I have to say that it help me. The white paches don't gone, but neither they went more.

    And I think the best moment to deal to vitiligo is in the beginning, so good luck and be happy :-)

  • yes def meditate twice a day if you can....reduce stress as much as, healthy eating no toxins etc.....good luck

  • Andrea, you are definitely right about stress.  It's good and bad.  Good when it's not severe and also in a very short term and bad when it's systematic (long term).

    Long term stress (systematic) may aggravate vitiligo.

    However,  if you eliminate vitiligo major causes, even keeping some stress,  you are going to  "untrigger" it  (i.e. stop it from spreading).

    Major causes are: 1-oxidative stress, 2-physical traumas and 3-emotional/psycho stress.  More details at

    I suggest you to follow a Functional Treatment  described at, so that you are going to untrigger it AND recover some patches.

    Good luck!

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