re-pigment and had no treatment

I have vitiligo for over 25yrs and I have learn't to live with this condition. In the beginning when I was first diagnosed I thought I was the only one. I became very depressed and did not want to leave the house.I was introduced to camoflourge make-up by my GP since my vitiligo was mainly around my eyes, if you can imagine what a pander look like, that's me. I then started to get small patches on my arms and on my shoulders. I never camoflourged those arears because I chose very carefully what clothes to weare ie: long sleeves. Over the years my vitiligo never really spread much further, the patches around my eyes began to close up, I now only have very little vitiligo around my eyes although I still wear the make up. Recently a small patch appeared on my toes, So I decided to get a tattoo to cover this up, that was a big mistake because the area expanded leaving the tattoo in the middle, so I won't be doing that again.since then my vitiligo has stayed the same most of it has covered over although not flawless. I have had not treatment what so every, I would say over the 25 yrs maybe 10% of area I have the condition. I try to eat healthy and a stressfree life. I though I would share my story to other vitiligo sufferers and to say if anyone has a similar story about re-pigment without treatment let me know. By the way I am a black lady of west indies parents. Please forgive spelling mistakes.

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  • Thanks for sharing your story..yes there are many who repig with out treatment, but have you changed some diet or life style?

    • Hi Thanks for reading my story. I think the biggest changed I've made, I don't worry anymore I've learn't to live with it and get on with my life, so maybe its something to do with my stress levels, and I do try to eat more healthy.

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