random..with dating

so i have been seeing a girl for the last two weeks and i gave her info on my vit. well one night she said can i tell you somthing my responce was a deep breath and said yes. she said dont get upset or mad its about your vit. my face is hot red by then. she said she doesnt know why but she pointed to a big area with my vit and said she thinks its so sexxy and she cant really say what makes it so sexxy. so i was looking at her like she was nuts lol...hey some people really dont mind vit and on top of that thinkx its sexxy.hmmmm new to me but a plus..just sharing to my vit friends.

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  • my mom has vit too and she said her dr tells her there is my sweet dalmation. my mom is darker you can tell on her alot but it does not bother her at all shes a strong woman. the girl i was seeing i am no longer nothing to do with vit but i liked how she would say (you know your the only one i ever known to pull off being two toned) that funny girl lol.

  • I have to make lite of my vit, I always tell people I am turning into a dalmation.. hey everyone loves a puppy, right?


    • Lol that's funny and cute!!!
      • its a good ice breaker,most people just go with it and from then on ,they don't even pay attention to it. or if they do they don't seem to be..

  • i alway do the test of leaving with no makeup out the house and ask hmm should i put coverup on and wait for an answer lol..usually the answer is no hurry lets go lol or its up to you.

    • Lol well I don't even wear makeup at all! Never have. Maybe I should, huh??
      • i dont wear it much now but at times when im not feeling lazy i will put makeup on lol. its up to you however you feel comfy :) its just hot now and its not worth putting on lol...

        • Oh yeah it's too hot. And I don't own any. When I have to have it for a special occasion, I have it done professionally...which has only been three times! Lol
  • i always say hey i love myself and if someone cant see how great you are in and out thats thr bad lol...

    • You're right and I'm the exact same way. I haven't really dated many people and I'm sure that's why:))
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