
i stopped using protopic,b12 and folic acid. i have vit in all the comin places and i must say it doesnt bother me. i really dont care if it bothers anyone else to look at me. turn the other way :) . have a good day everyone love yourself bcuz god made us this way

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  • Ish do u have any tattoos? I guess we are a dermatillogical bunch of people.
    Other than over sunlight exposure danger we have healthy skin, but my
    Self hating has cause drug use and everything else I blame on inablity 2 accept my vit
    • No-its not a strange thing to say,at all...I'm really happy to know people have come to terms with their appearance-I pray I will too.I'm always doing battle with my psyche but I'm turning a corner,slowly but surely...I have a younger brother who has Vitiligo too. I would defy anyone not to find my brother beautiful-he really is so gorgeous!He doesn't really believe people but his is the kind of gorgeous that is breath-taking.He thinks its his Vitiligo that makes people look at him again and again-it is,in some measure-but its all of him.
      • Ish vit has made me a master of illusion and overly extraverted. I even paid. for water proff makeup and tried to blend it in with my "normal" color. Wasting my creative gifts on vainty. You are making turn for the better. Hey I'm on facebook as Kenneth Kramer if ur on there friend me. I totally avoid showing my vit.
    • I have-you'll laugh...Tiny little inking remains from the one I paid a small fortune to a lovely lady in Manchester. In my many attempts to cover up-I had it done but it didn't take...And, my pain threshold is minimal-but I'd love to have one, one day to commemorate my battle. 

      I have a very complicated relationship with my skin and I fight my psyche every day, into some kind of submission. I hope you are turning a positive corner in your life, Kenneth. I have a saying, we have one life, but many chances to get it right.

      • Ish I've belived my vit was a punishment God. Its neither a curse nor a blessingmt its just me. Its weird 4 a man to say but I'm beautiful now. I'm only critical on myself I dogn't judge any one else so I learned not 2 judge myself and put on my shorts :)
  • i just seen swirl-girl too cute :) . I had a friend that told me i can pull of being two toned.lol

  • Maybe I'll get a tattoo of a 3D carton of Neapolitan Ice Cream and let the vanilla be the vit lol 

    • LOL-you're too late!April Mitchell has already beat you with Swirl Girl-its really cool (like ice cream-ha!),check her character out on her page...")
  • kenneth i havent covered any vit yet i want to get a star on my elbow tho and i have plenty of vit thr lol.

  • I got a tattoo over one patch on my leg and the white hairs still grew through so plucked them out. How that for bullshit vanity:) I finally got tired of fighting vitiligo its part of me. 

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