Radical Life Change

Hello All, I think this will be my first post, but I have been following intently.

As of lately, I have made a number of life changes, and my vitiligo is one of the things I've decided to change. My hopes is that by posting this, and giving follow ups to my treatment plan is that it may assist others in trying it out if it works. At the very least, it will be interesting to see how this works.

I am a 30 year old male that has had segmental vit for as long as I can remember. I have never worn sunscreen, or put much thought into curing it until now. My health has become more of a priority to me lately, and my vit is part of that.

My plan:


quit smoking DONE

quit drinking DONE

excersize regularly DONE

quit socially smoking marijuana DONE

put motions in place to destress my business life DONE

Diet Plan:

Mostly raw fruits and vegetables, small meat portion once per day, nuts and seeds, legumes, quinoa, oats.

Natural Supplements taken daily:

60g gingko once in morning, once in evening

Taking 50g of L Phenylalanine for every 2.2lbs of body weight on a daily basis (half in morning, half in evening)

1 fish oil capsule once in morning, once in evening

B12 with folate once in morning, once in evening


UVB therapy every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoon


Physical activity 3 times per week (walking, biking, jogging etc)

Attached you will see pictures of my hands at the start of all this. I will update regularly.



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  • Hi everyone

    This is my first message as I have joined yesterday .
    My eight years old son got it , any treatment ??

    He had a small accident above his eye and now turn into white patches and doctor things its vitiligo

    We don't have any family history
  • Marijuana is actually healthy, the "street" ones that are with mixed tabbaco and such arent the greatest , but the pure, medicinal cannabis can actually help vitiligo.
    Good luck!

    • Hi Teh Ben, where did you hear this? Any suggested reading?

    • Hi Teh Ben, have you tried protopic with narrowband light ? and i see somewhere you are taking a bunch of vitamins ? have you seen any results ?

      greetings from London


  • Hi Cory!

    I'm currently making some of the same changes too!  I cut out alcohol and drastically changed the way I eat.  I hope to have success with this.

    Good LUCK!!!  And Happy Healing!

  • Hi Cory,

    I wish you all the best with your radical life change, and sincerely hope you see improvement with your vitiligo.

    I too have made major changes in my life, "very similar  to yours" so it would be good to hear how you are progressing. I personally believe there is something we eat that plays havoc with our immune system, and a traumatic experience is what sets it all off. 

    My only advice is more veg & less fruits.


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