Quick question for everyone....

for those of you who have substantial whiteness under/near the eyes, how do you cover it effectively?  I have been using foundation and coverup makeup, but it is still very difficult to cover without looking too pale.  Any suggestions would be more than welcome and thanks!  Just to add, I still have darker areas under my eyes (BENEATH the white areas, like little lines of "blue" color), but between them and the whiteness, it is very very tricky to cover without drawing attention to it.  I look tired all the time...even when I am not.  Blush there doesn't work it looks fake and clownish, bronzer doesn't really work as it gets browner/orangey on those areas drawing more attention to them, I have even out of desperation tried brownish/tannish eye shadow on the white, again, looks very fake and makes it stand out more, not less. 


The best solution so far, although far from ideal, has been to use a green color corrector on the white only, then apply the makeup/coverup over that.  But again, it still makes me look extremely pale (and at my age now, settles into the lines that are also there BOO!!!  Maybe it's time to quit smoking??!!).  Luckily, I use the "unaffected" skin on my neck as a guide as to what looks natural/fake, at least I have that to go by, just frustrating is all...it's hard to match the skintone, as I seem to be three different colors somedays, if you know what I mean!  gah, so irritating....nature's little joke is that my skin texture has never looked better than it does now, it's super smooth and no breakouts except for a few here and there, but the getting it all one color (even being quite white/pale to begin with) is getting more difficult all the time, it almost seems I look 'better" if just trying to disguise the areas of the most whiteness (under and near my eyes, my most white areas are two patches on my cheekbones, those are nearly impossible to cover)  If I do that and just use a light pressed powder and some blush it seems to look more natural and not "masky"...I so miss being able to get a nice tan, (heavy sigh)....I used to tan up so nicely, but that was then and this is now...oh well, you adapt I guess....(although I suspect I will never adapt to this completely it is easier on some days than others but it's always on my mind and a worry for me)...


I've thought about using a self-tanner but am terrified it will make everything more obvious and orange looking.   If I had enough days off in between working to test it, I would, but as I seem to be working every other day at least, not an option, especially if it looks horrible and I have to wait for it to fade. I work in a VERY brightly lit store and that seems to be the true test all the time (those lights)...

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