Questions about xcimer treatments...

Hi all,

I've done 17 treatments with the xcimer so far. I'm seeing re-pigmentation on my arms, elbows, shoulder, hips, face, and just recently my hand!  I was wondering if any of you guys have had re-pigmentation on your knees, ankles and fingertips? Those I am told are the tough spots.  

Look forward to your responses!

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  • thank you for the link :)

    • I think I'm at 1800 right now.
    • I wonder how is going with this treatment does it help you all over?

      • I'm up to 60 treatments as of today and am seeing great results.  Even seeing repigmentation on my feet and fingers which I thought would never happen!  It's been slow. The office I got to is the third one I have gone to for treatments and they see a lot of patients. I am told that in some people it may take up to 2 years of treatment!    Another down side is have I spent a lot of money out of pocket even with insurance covering it.  Let me know if you have another questions!

        • Thank you I just want to know how it is going I hear a lot about xcimer but not from people who get good result,many be unfortunately they are not active on forum or don`t want to share there experience . I am thinking to try the excimer I will come with questions after..



          • Dear Shamira ..thank you for your post , do you get pink/red in all spots or can it repigment with out showing redness?


            • It seems like in the beginning I was more red but then i wasn't. I was concerned I wouldn't get the best results.  But my tech assured me that it would still re-pigment even though it wasn't turning red.  For example, my feet have never turned red and it's re-pigmenting VERY slowly.  I think it really depends on your tech and how fast they want to go up on the dosage also. THe office I go to has two and one wants to make sure I'm red longer while the other one is more cautious about "burning" me.  So, yes in my experience you can still repigment even if you don't turn red.  Just takes a LOOONG time! :-)

  • i never herd of this treatment. can you give a little info on exactly what it is and what you do

    • Here is a link to the company that makes the laser:

      You can also contact them with questions

      Call 1-877-44-XTRAC

      They're really helpful and most insurance companies pay for treatment.  It's still costly...I've spent $1500 already!

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