Psoralen treatment

Ive been considering doing the psoralen treatment but i don't have enough information on it, can someone explain what to do and if it has worked? Im talking about the treatment where you sit in the sun or something? 

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  • My Derm said that they discontinued using that treatment because of side effects and increased cancer risk. He now prescribes narrow band UVB and topical steroid cream 3 days per week. I added my own cream which I made with the help of a local lab. Check out my before and after pics in my group "Waterloo Region Vitiligo Friends". I was able to get the mouth area to re pigment in 2.5 months.

    • ya it is true ..this treatment is not advised aany more spesially if you have to take the tablet orally may have some sirios side effect on long term. NB UVB is saffest or only 20 minute sun.

      If you get the posoralen bath and sun is ok.


      @Peter what kind of cream did you use ? alone or combinig sun /uvb?




      • I use 2 creams. The topical steroid cream and my own cream in combination with N-UVB. I think my cream is having a very rapid effect by what I have heard people tell me of their experience. Just in the 4 days since I posted my pics, I have seen more pigmentation. There was an area on my forehead that I stopped the cream because it was producing too much pigment. Did you look at my pics? Feed back would be great.

        • okay thank you guys so much! how did you make the cream that you are using from the lab? like, are you selling it or anything? I'm just trying to find a way to make my skin re pigiment before it spreads everywhere, 

          • I may make it available. I want to wait a couple of more weeks. I have been using it myself since march 1st.

            • okay let me know if you do! has it been working well?

              • Please keep us updated Peter, I would be interested in trying your cream as well.  It's weird that my dermatologist made no mention of the N-UVB treatment...  she just prescribed protopic.  One way or another, I've got to get rid of these spots, at least on my face anyway...  

              • I think it's working well. But I am trying to get more information from others and their experiences so that I can compare. It hasn't stopped the vit from showing up in other areas but once I start to apply, it starts to re-pigment. The first place that I applied it to was around my mouth and it took about 2.5 months for it to re pig. I have before and after pics on my group page. I am post some more tonight.

                • Peter, I am just curious and am encouraged by the repiment I see in your photos.  Did the repig begin from the inside outward?  Or the other way around?  The reason I ask this specifically is because on my left cheekbone (my absolute worst area) it has regained some pigment, very faint, very little but def. there (although the "border" I speak of is pretty heavily pigmented, making it look like a definitive "line" of tan/pigment across the top of the whitest area and on the side a bit) but I have seen some pigment seeming to come back from the inner area and spreading outward, again very light but enough to give me hope....and I am not using anything, including steroid creams, protopic, I don't have health insurance currently.  I only use soap and water and sunscreen/block (spf50 or higher) during the day....that and makeup of course to cover this while out or at work.

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